Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Different Kind of Tri

Happy Monday Blog World!

This is the second Monday in a row that I have woken up not hating the world! Life is good. :)

On Friday night I did a makeshift triathlon. Inspired by Gina's Triathlon, I did a lovely trifecta of cardio, weights, and yoga.

Here's how it went down:

1 mile warm up on treadmill
20 minutes on Arc Trainer
20 minutes on Elliptical
1 mile cool down on indoor track

Cocktail Dress Arms workout (sans abs)

20 minute episode of Namaste Yoga that I DVR'd on FitTV.

Although this workout was not quite as rewarding a my REAL tri, it was awesome nonetheless. I have not been to the gym in forever (because I've been mostly running outside in preparation for the St. Jude half in only 25 days!!!), so after a reunion with some cardio machines I felt like a new woman.

And I was just *slightly* sore on Sunday which is a great feeling.

I wore my SweatyBand again (still love it). And when I got home Reba thought it was so cute and just begged me to let her try it on.

She loved it, too.
But only for a minute.
Have a great week, everyone!

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