Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Great Wall of Running

Happy Saturday bloggies.

This morning I went on a long run of 10 miles. 'Long' being the opperative term since it has been a VERY long time since my last one. The last long run I went on was an 8-miler like three weeks ago.


Tom and I were both up kinda early for a Saturday. He had plans to work on the duck blind...aka The Ritz Carlton of Beaver Damn...because duck season opens next week.

So we were both out the door at 7:30 on this sunny Saturday. I had planned to do two, 5-mile loops. I had a water/fuel stop planned at the half way point in between loops.

Run Summery:
My goal for this run, as with most my long runs, was to finish. I had *hoped* I'd get done in 1:50 because this would put me at an 11 minute mile. I was going to be a little disappointed if I finished closer to 2 hours.

The first mile was rough because my legs simply weren't used to being used! ha! I felt like I was running all loosey-goosy, without purpose. My breathing was disorganized and I couldn't get in a good rhythm. This carried on for the first three miles or so. I simply couldn't get in a groove.

Finally started feeling better around mile 3.5. After my pit stop at the half way point I checked my watch and had done the first half in 52:15, almost exactly what I did for my last 5-miler.

After a quick walk break, I began running again, this time feeling much much better. I decided to try a run/walk technique to see how it would work for me since running 5 more miles seemed daunting at that time.

I decided to run for 20 minutes and then walk for 2 mintues. Trouble was, after 20 minutes I didn't feel like I needed to walk but did anyway 'because I'd said I would.'

Bad idea.

I should have just kept going.

Because after the walk break I hit the biggest wall ever! My mentality was doing okay but that wall was really hard to push through. I have to say I've never hit a wall like this in any training run, or in any half-marathon I've done. Not even in the 10K of the triathlon.

By then I only had a mile and a half left to go, and just had to take my mind somewhere else.

I finally limped across my 'finish line' at 1:53:10. A 11:21 pace. I wasn't really fired up about this time, but I'll take it. My priority was to finish 10 miles and I acheived that so I'll take what I can get!

Fuel for the Run:
Before I left the house I ate a Luna Bar Mini and some water. This doesn't sound like much, but I don't like running after having eaten a lot, but can't do it on an empty stomach either. I also ate 2 Gu Chomps.

At the half-way stop, I had some low-cal Gatorade and a HammerGel in Tropical flavor. The HammerGel tasted good and I could tell it helped my energy level during the first two miles after my break.

During one of my many walk breaks during the second half, I ate two more Gu Chomps. By that point I think I was so tired that two little Chomps weren't gonna cut it.

My hips and my right IT band are a little sore, am I'm sure the soreness will increase over the next couple days. I realize it isn't too smart to do distance like this without the proper training, but I really want to do the half marathon in two weeks and needed a long run.

I feel okay right now, having taken a loooooong nap this afternoon after my run. I think my nap was as long as it took me to run the 10 miles!

After the run I went to the hardware store to get some paint swatches for the bathroom!!! Hopefully just a few more days til they're done because we are living in a DUST PIT with all the construction right now!
Have a great weekend, everyone!

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