Thursday, February 11, 2010

Updates, Updates...

So I've come to a decision about something.

After careful consideration, I've decided to go for the Memphis in May Olympic Tri I had originally mentioned. While one person has told me not to try an Olympic distance for the my first triathlon, others have said they definitly think I could handle it. So I'm just gonna go for it.

I mean, it's not like I have money riding on it or I'm representing anything other than little ole me so what have I got to lose?

My pride.

That's about it.

Oh, and hopfully about 11 more pounds.

The only way I'll lose my pride and dignity is if I flat out don't finish. And I'll finish. If it takes me 6 hours I'll do it.

Unfortunatly Bex and I won't be able to do it together, though. She is going on vacay with the fam that week so we are planning on doing another one together later in the summer. That is, if I live through the first one. Bex is planning to do a sprint in late March that I cannot attend so she will already have one under her belt. Busy girls, I tell ya. At least we have each other as we train to encourage each other and hold each other accountable.

So there you have it. I've said it out loud so it's final. It's on the blog so it's got to be done.

I just got back from a great swim tonight. I swam my first full mile! I was happy because this is a personal best distance-wise. Now that I know I am physically able to swim a mile, I need to work on my time.

Here's what I'm thinking:

After looking at results from the Memphis in May Olympic-distance triathlon (1 mile swim distance), I found that females in my age group finish the swim leg in anywhere from 18 to 46 minutes. The girl that finished in 18 minutes came in 2nd overall, so clearly I am not making an 18 minute mile my goal.

What I found is that the middle-of-the-road female swimmer 25-30 years old finished the mile in about 35-37 minutes. This is a number I can live with.

Tonight I did my mile in 42.5 minutes. Obviously I have some work to do. It would *amazing* if I could knock 10 minutes off of that time, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. My goal will be to bring the time down to 35 minutes by the end of April. I figure this is sufficient time to meet this goal, and add on the biking and running by May 23.

Disclaimer: for some reason this paragraph will not format right. So it looks like one big long run on paragraph and it is driving me crazy. No matter how many times I've tried to fix it, it won't save with any spaces between paragraphs. Damn you blogger, why are you not cooperating with me? Does anyone know why this happens? Sooooooo annoying.
I realize I have been talking a lot about swimming lately and some you may be thinking, "What else are you doing Ariel? Are you still biking and running?"
The answer to that question is yes.
Over the past couple of weeks I have had some new developments on the biking front.
First of all, Bex and I bouthg our padded cycling shorts ($40 at Sports Authority) and helmets (also $40 at Sports Authority). Keep in mind that at the time we bought these two things we didn not have bikes but we are working on it. One thing at a time now, one thing at a time.
So these shorts. Let me just tell you about these shorts. They are a God send because without them you have one sore hiney. But with them you honest to goodness feel like you are simply wearing spandex and a giant (and when I say giant I mean diaper-esque) maxi pad. At first they are soooooo uncomfortable and make you walk like you ahve been riding a horse for a week. But you just have to get past the Cowboy Syndrome and weigh your options.
Silly Shorts vs. Sore Hiney for a Full Week
I think I'll take the maxi shorts.
So we tried out our Maxi Shorts for the first time on the stationary bikes at the gym. After our 'ride' we ran on the treadmill. Sure, it took some getting used to, but while ont he bike I could tell a difference immediatly, and it only took about 1/4 of a mile to get used to running in them.
As for the bike, I have a plan. Sort of.
In doing a little research, we found that you can spend a minimum of $750 on a brand new road bike. This is an investment I am not quite ready to make since I might do this MIM Tri and decided I hate it.
So we asked around and Tom found a perfect solution for us. Our cousin Will is a cyclist and has gone on ridees as long as 100 miles in his day. He suggested I simply get new road tires and put them on Tom's mountain bike. This "hybrid" is not ideal for a hard-core triathlete but it will do for my first experience. This way, I am only out like $75 instead of $750 if I decide I hate it.
I have to give a shout-out to Tom for figureing out the whole bike thing. He was sweet enough to do some research and make some phone calls to figure out the best possible solution for me. What a sweet cheerleader he is. :) Love him.


Weight Watchers Update: Okay, okay, okay, so after my big pity party on Monday, the Weight Watchers weigh-in did not go has horrible as I had geared myself up for. I gained .5 pound. That's eight itty-bitty teeny tiny ounces. So I was actually happy.

After a week of breakfast casserole, buffalo wings, and birthday cake I managed to basically maintain. Now back to business this week to get into the 150's!!! I am ready for ya, 159! :)

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