Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Work Out Schedules and WW Update

*Well* our email is down at work ( shall we get through the day? God forbid I have to CALL SOMEONE ON THE PHONE!), and since 90% of my job is answering angry emails from disgruntled employees, here I am. Blogging instead of working.

I wanted to share with yall the workout schedule that Bex and I have made up for ourselves, and have stuck to over the past two weeks....the past two weeks also known as the first two torturous weeks of Tri Training.

Obviously every week is not exactly the same, things come up. But this is the general idea of what we're doing to build a good base of fitness to complete the Tri in a few months (which, by the way, we have not 100% decided which one we're going to do, so if you know of any in the Mid-South area, please let me know).

So here is what we're doing these days:

Disclaimer: Bex and I are in no way doctors, physical therapists, or athletic trainers. We are simply fat white girls who want to have rock-hard bods. So we are not responsible for you if you do this workout schedule and hurtchosef. Just lettin' you know.
  • Monday: Swim
  • Tuesday: Bike/Short Run/Strength Workout*
  • Wednesday: Medium Run
  • Thursday: Swim
  • Friday: Bike/Short Run
  • Saturday: Long Run

*Hoping to add in one more strength workout per week at some point soon...probably next week.

And here are the distances that we do each activity (at this time. over the coming weeks, distances will increase):

  • Swim: 1/2 mile, or 30-40 minutes
  • Bike: 30 minutes, about 7.5 miles
  • Short Run: 3 miles
  • Medium Run: 5-6 miles
  • Long Run: 7-8 miles

The Strength workout is a little more involved so it gets it's own bulleted list. I found this workout in a book I got for Christmas called The 12-Week Triathlon by Tom Holland:

  • Dumbell Chest Press
  • Dumbell Bent-Over Rows
  • Dumbell Overhead Press
  • Bicep Curls
  • Dumbell Kick-Backs
  • Stability Ball Squats
  • Stationary Lunges
  • Stability Ball Ham String Curls
  • Calf Raises
  • Dumbell Toe Raises
  • Calf Raises
  • Regular Crunches (25)
  • Oblique Twists (25 per side)
  • Reverse Crunches (25)
  • Superman (25)
  • Plank (1 minute)

*Note: Unless otherwise noted, I do 2 sets of 12 for each exercise. For the dumbell exercises, I use an eight-pound dumbell.

So that's it. What about you? I would love to hear if you have a workout or running schedule that you have found works for you. Share, share with the group, please!

In doing these strength workouts I am hopeful that I will 'firm up' a little more. While I have lost weight I still feel a little softer than I'd prefer. I was looking at myself in the mirror last night and thought,

"All this work...and still...this?"

The 'this' being my Flab City mid-section and Sausage Arms. But like I say, practice makes perfect.

And you know what else makes perfect? A tan. Tan fat looks better than white fat. So once this weather warms up and I can get some color I am CERTAIN that I'll feel and look better. :)

Weight Watchers Update: I just got back from weigh-in and lost 3 pounds this week! Current weight is 161 pounds. I swear I think it's the swimming. That's the only thing I've done differently. Also, I had a Biggest-Loser-Style-Last-Chance-Workout this morning so that probably helped.

I mean, I lost 2.5 the week I ran the half marathon and now 3 pounds this week?!!!??! Awesome, I'm so excited. Now off to eat a huge lunch because I'm starving. :)

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