Sunday, March 28, 2010

Delray Beach = HEAVEN!

I'm back from sunny West Palm Beach! And oh my goodness I am not kidding when I say I was a teensy tinsy bit depressed when I woke up on Sunday morning and realized we had to leave to come home! The Delray Beach area was AMAZING, the hotel was awesome, and the wedding was a BLAST!

I did NOT count points all weekend. It was lovely. But I was conscious of my portions and the amount of sweets I was eating. Sweets are my weakness.

This group of girls are like sisters to me. We were sorority sisters at Alabama from 2001-2005 and have kept in touch ever since. We are able to get together at least twice a year for weddings, showers, bachelorette parties, etc. We always have a hilarious time together and our reunions are never long enough! I love this group so much and wanted to put them all in my suitcase to take home with me! And the great part is that all of our husbands get along, too. The boys really could not be more different but they love each other! :)

So we left bright and early on Friday morning and arrived in West Palm around 3pm. We changed and got ready for the rehearsal dinner which was at a great steakhouse and martini bar right there in Delray.
Sidenote: I got my dress for the rehearsal dinner at Dillards. It was on sale marked down from $170 to $50. Then I got to the register and it was another $20 off so I got it for $30!!!! Love it when that happens....
Some of the girls after the rehearsal dinner. Look at all those pretty jewel tones!

Me and Kristin
Kathleen and Ryan havin' a beer after dinner!
On Saturday I got up and....wait for it....actually went for a run! I had packed my running clothes and tennis shoes with high aspirations of sweating at least once while on vacation. I had forgotten to change my phone to eastern time, so I woke up an hour late, thus cutting my run short. But I did about 2 miles which I figure was better than no miles.
After a glorious sunny run (in only shorts and a T-shirt!!! I'm used to donning about three layers!) we had a bridesmaids brunch in the courtyard of the hotel. Kelly's mother's friends threw it for us, and it was soooooo nice. Mimosas and bagels to start the day!
Here are all the 'maids at the brunch:
After the brunch, we had an hour or so to kill before hair and make up started so we soaked up some sun while we could!
Jessica, Kathleen, and I chillin' poolside.
10:30am+Bloody Mary in hand+pool with the girls=PERFECTION!
We spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's company and getting ready. It was so fun to have a full day with all the girls. I laughed so hard all day....I will count that as my ab workout. Ha! Here are some more pics of the wedding day:

Christina and me in the brial suite...almost showtime!

The best part...THE DRESS! Kelly looked like she walked off the cover of Modern Bride. Seriously.

Kelly seeing her dad, brother, and brother-in-law for the first time that day!Me and Jess waiting to get our pictures taken.

Mr. and Mrs. Bussard's first dance together!
Christina, me, and Caitlin at the reception. Love these girls!
Tom and me at the reception. What a cutie he is, yes?
Brian and Amy at the reception...they are newly weds, only been married about 4 months!
On Sunday morning I woke up and...wait for it....went for a run AGAIN! Remarkable, yes? I ran on the beach for a while and it was really hard. Ha ha. It was high tide so I had to run in the soft sand which I quickly figured out was harder than it looked.
So I ran down the beach, and ran back on the road. I had forgotten my watch with my GPS in it, but I ran for 10 songs which I figure was about 3 miles. No record-setting or anything, but better than nothing!
I actually like running on vacation because it is a great way to see the world. As much as I love running in the Delta, the scenery does get old after a while. I think that's the way it is no matter where you live. The same 'ole run day after day is going to get old.
So running when you're on vacation is a great way to recharge your batteries and see your destination on foot! And I loved the way I felt all day after getting in a run in the morning.
After my run, Tom and I reluctantly packed our bags and checked out of the hotel. We walked across the street to an amazing restaurant for brunch. I had a ridiculous salmon-and-goat-cheese omlette (again, who needs WW points on vacay?), and Tom had a Western Omlette. And French Toast. And hashbrowns. Safe to say he won't be blowing away any time soon.
All in all it was a fun weekend and now we're back to the daily grind.....
Have a great week everyone!

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