Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good Work-Outs and a WW Update

In order to redeem myself after a weekend-o-eating-and-drinking-without-abandon, I have been working out hard this week.

On Monday, I did a 20 minute swim, and a 40 minute run.
On Tuesday, I did 16 miles on the stationary bike (about 50 minutes), and 4 miles on the treadmill (about 40 minutes)
And this morning I ran 5 1/2 miles (about 60 minutes).

I have done these workouts solo because Bex has been out of commission with a sick baby. But I need to give her a shout out because she officially finished her FIRST Triathlon on Sunday!!! Woo-Hooooooo for Bex. She is officially a Triathlete. How cool is that.

The triathlon that she did was the Rebel Man Sprint in Oxford, MS. It was a 400-meter pool swim, a 10 mile bike, and a 5K. She finished in under 2 hours, and did not finish last! That was her not come in last! I think there were like 50 people who finished after her so she beat it by a long shot. And I am really proud of her because except for the transition areas, she didn't stop.

Even though the bike was very hilly, she never got off her bike. She said she saw some girls walking their bikes towards the end but she persevered!

Even though she was wet and tired, she ran the 5K without a break. She passed a few MEN on the run course and pressed on for a strong finish!

I am so proud of her, and proud that she is my fun friend. She has come such a long way, and works so hard juggling her duties and wife, mother, and .....ATHLETE. ha ha! Love it....

Go, Bex, Go!
Go, Bex, Go!

Okay so enough about Bex...back to me. hee hee.

Each morning this week I have been soooooo tired. I'm talkin' about dragging some hiney ladies. It's not easy to come back from vacation. But each morning I have forced myself out of bed for these workouts. I am learning that the old saying is so true....When the going gets tough, the tough gets goin'....or something like that. But that's me....tough. Tuff Stuff.

I wanted to make note of one thing I did differently on the bike for that 16 miler on Tuesday. During the last few minutes I did bicep curls and tricep kick-backs without weights. Does that make sense? Just to keep my heart rate nice and high, and to get in a little itty bitty arm workout while on the bike. I wouldn't try this on a real bike, just the stationary bike. It works on the stationary bike because you don't really have to balance on the stationary. And I could feel it in my arms the next day! So just a little suggestion there on how to turn your stationary bike routine up a knotch.

Weight Watchers Update: So I have amazingly good news on the WW front. I felt certain I would gain a dress size as a result of my Mini Spring Break 2010, but I actually LOST this week! And 2 pounds, at that! Current weight is 154.5. Weight loss to date is 17 pounds.

Not only did I lose 2 pounds, I also got a super-cool Weight Watchers key chain for losing 10% of my starting weight (171 lbs.). Classy. I will carry it with pride.

Next week is the last week of our 5-week session (remember if I don't lose 2.5 pounds in 5 weeks I have to pay the $55. If I DO lose the 2.5 pounds, Boyd Gaming foots the bill!). So I need to maintain or lose in order to avoid that $55 payroll deduction. We shall see...

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