Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Letters

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

I used to love Valentines Day...the thrill and anticipation of the day. Wondering if you'll get a Valentine from that special someone. At my high school, the Student Council offered singing telegrams and roses that you could buy for your sweetie and have delivered to them during class.

It was always an exciting and funny day, even if you didn't recieve a Valentine. I always had fun watching other people squirm with embarrasment as a quartet of sophormores sang "My Guy" in front of the whole class.

But, now that I'm married, I have to be honest. Valentines Day has lost a little bit of it's luster. Sure, it's nice to know I have a Valentine. I will never complain about that. But Tom and I would rather spend our money on something for the house, or on savings, than the traditional Valentines Day gifts of chocolate and roses.

However, I do have my fingers crossed for some chocolate-covered strawberries in the near future. The day is young, so we'll see if he comes through. :)

I have a LOT of blogging to catch up on....we had a great time celebrating Tom's snowed-in birthday at home, and then went to Hot Springs over the weekend and had a wonderful time.

Last week we got a huge DUMP of snow on Wednesday night. Therefore, the streets were covered in a sneaky sheet of ice, and everything shut down. Us Southerners don't 'do' snow, so the whole town literally closes up shop!

Including the gym. So, with icey streets and no gym to go to, I slacked on the workouts. Sure, I could have busted out Jillian in my living room but I simply didn't have the heart for it last week.

Yesterday as we prepared to come home after a weekend of indulgent eating and drinking, I went to zip up and my jeans and they revolted. My beloved Gap size 4's are on strike and I do not appreciate it.

Time to get back on the wagon this week.

Sorry for the short hiatus in blogging, but I'm a cropping and editing fool these days so stay tuned this week for some cute fun posts.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

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