Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ode to Tom

Thirty two years ago today, there was an ice storm in Tunica county. Schools were closed, business shut down for the day, and everyone snuggled down inside to stay warm.

At nine months pregnant, my mother in law asked her husband to drive her into town, to her friend Nancy's house where some of the ladies had gathered to play bridge.

While she was there she started to feel...different. A feeling she had felt before, but not during this pregnancy. She knew it was time.

Time to brave the weather and make the one hour drive to the hospital in Memphis. A few hours later, Sterling Thompson Withers was born!

My mother in law always tells the story that when Tom was born, she was so thrilled to have a boy because they already had one girl, Sara Whitten. When my father in law, Boog, came into the room after Tom was born, Lilibeth said, "Boog! It's a boy! It's Tom!" and Boog just hugged her and said, "I'm just so glad you're both okay."

I always smile when I think of that moment. What an exciting day for them, and as it turned out, for me too! Although I was not a twinkle in any one's eye at that time, with Tom being born four years before me. My parents would be married that same year (1979), about 8 months later.

So, with that,


I am so glad you were born!

Without you, I would not be as happy as I am, and would not be a part of such a wonderful family.
I am so thankful for you.I love you because...
You love kids, and they love you....
...I can't wait to see you as a father some day....

....a father to our human children, that is.....

...you are a lot of fun in the kitchen....
....and just a lot of fun, period!.... ....I love to travel with you...
...and try new things together....
...you are fun on the dance floor....
....and a really fun date.....
There are not enough words to sum up how thankful I am that, thirty-two years ago today, in snow and ice, and an hour away from Tunica, in the middle of a bridge game, YOU WERE BORN! Happy Birthday to my husband and best friend! I love you! Tonight, weather permitting, we are going to dinner with the fam for Tom's birthday. They are calling for a lot of snow today...it's like Mother Nature revolts each year on the day of Tom's birth. ha ha.

I also wanted to include in this post, since it is an Ode to Tom, a few pictures of his recent 'make-UNDER' (as opposed to a make-OVER).
Here is a picture of Tom, last year, before the beard was gone.
And this picture was taken Sunday afternoon, pre-make-under:
This year's beard had about four more weeks on it than last year's.
Just look at that crazy thick hair! It looks kind of like a toupee, no?

So, as promised, Tom shaved on Sunday night during half time of the Superbowl.
But, to be faithful to tradition, it couldn't just all come off at once.It's a process, saying goodbye to the beard after 7 months with it.

Oh, I can't watch. Tell me when it's over, Mommy.

So he spent the second half of the game looking like this:

Don't worry, we weren't out in public. Just at the neighbor's house.
But after the game, it was time to get serious.
So he spent the next two days looking like this!

Then, yesterday, he finally went to see Ms. Geraldine (the lady that does his hair) for the first time since September.
Yes, that IS Tom under there!

All cleaned up for his birthday.

It's nice to have him back. :)
But I'm not gonna lie, I will miss running my fingers through this every now and then:

What's your preference, with or without?

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