Monday, February 14, 2011

Tom's Snowy Birthday

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a lot of blogging to catch up on because things have been busy/unscheduled/weird around here lately.

I say weird because we got a huge dump of snow last week, hindering the world from turning in the Delta, and today it's 60 degrees and sunny out.

Go figure.

Last night I did make it to the gym, but it was packed in there! They were busy AND understaffed, so classes were cancelled and machines were packed. They were asking everyone to limit their time on cardio machines to 30 minutes so I hopped on the elliptical.

I could have done more, definitely, but I am weird when working out in crowded situations. I just don't like it. And I wasn't feelin' the gym last night. So I went on home and got started on the Laundry Mountain that grew over the weekend.

I am not proud of my puny workout, but 30 minutes is better than no minutes, I guess. Now that the weather is straightening up maybe I'll feel more motivated.

I wanted to post about the snow, mostly for myself so I'll remember it, and what fun we had celebrating Tom's birthday with a few close friends at home.

By the time I got home from work on Wednesday, out back yard looked like this:

Reba loved it, of course!

We got almost 7 inches on Wednesday alone. It just snowed and snowed and snowed HUGE flakes, and was so beautiful to watch.
Yes, Tom is wearing overalls. I have come to terms with it, you should too.
Because of said snow, every single restaurant in Tunica was closed. Yep, that's right. All 5 of them. Shut down for the night.
So we decided to just have pizza and margaritas at home with some friends who weren't afraid to brave the icy streets to say Happy Birthday to Tom.
We peer pressured Mary Elizabeth and Jen into taking one itty bitty birthday shot in Tom's honor. Tom and I did not do any shooting, we are too old for that sort of thing. But these young guns did (by young, I mean of course they are of age just not as old as us)!

I think Jen kind of liked hers. :)
Me with the Birthday Boy/Bartender of the evening.
Tom's Aunt Felicia came in town for a few nights and got snowed in! Loved having here there with us.
Tom is very serious about his margaritas. I don't think he drank one sip all night, but he loves playing hostess to the ladies when the event calls for it.
Tom's Margarita Recipe:
  • blender full-o-ice
  • 6 oz. frozen limeade concentrate
  • 6 oz. tequila
  • 6 oz. triple sec
  • Blend all ingredients together and serve with salt! Yummmmmmmm.

Try it. You'll love it. The frozen limeade makes all the difference in the world.

Reba is OBSESSED with her Aunt Fee Fee. She wouldn't leave her alone. By 10pm these crazy scary finger-like icicles had formed on our back porch. I think they look like creepy old-people fingers. The next morning I was driven to work again by my overall-clad chauffeur. We're classy like that. The Delta looks beautiful covered in a blanket of snow! I love passing this little barn and it's horses every morning on the way to work. Makes me feel like I live in a country song or something. While I was at work, Tom and our friend Carey took the dogs to the Levee to run and play and chase the kids on sleds. Wish I could have been there but some one's gotta get some work done around here and put food on the table.

So that was sweet Tom's fun 32nd birthday. Snow, Margarita's, and friends. I think he had a good one.

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