Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whatcha Think?

Happy HUMP day everyone!

Half way through the work week...wooo hooooo!

Sooooooo what do yall think of the new bloggie design? I kind of love it.

My friend from college, Lauren T. from Life With A Lab has a (for now) small graphic design company where she can do a whole bunch of fancy things that are way over my head. So, after a year and a half of looking at my home-made Windows Paint header, I decided to solicit her help with the re-design of my blog.

And she did awesome! I think it helped that she knows me (all too well after living in the sorority house together for a year bless her heart) so she kind of knew the direction I wanted to go in.

But she was really patient and helpful and accommodating with me and I just love what she came up with. I especially love the 'Laura and Reba' silhouette up top!

Her company is Blue Lux, and she has designed really cute blogs like

You'll notice that each of these blogs are very different, so Lauren really works to acheive the blogger's personality and their vision through their blog. She is great! Go pay her a visit at one of her sites:

Okay so on to some random stuff for today...

Last night I went to the gym after work and I think I've injured myself. Injured bad. <----please do yourself a favor and click on this link it will make your day!!!

Okay, not that bad but I really think I have done a little something to my hip/IT band/upper thigh muscle area part....using medical terms here.

Ever since that sprint workout last week I have had a little nagging pain and last night, while on the treadmill, it really started to bother me. I finished my workout, but had to pretty much hobble home. And today I'm walking a little funny....what we in East Tennessee call a 'hitch in 'yer gitalong.'

Anyway, last night was my first Feelin' Fine in February workout and it went well, despite the nagging hip pain.
  • 30 minutes on treadmill
  • 15 mintues elliptical
  • 15 minutes bike

You'll notice there's no arm workout on the summary above because I'm a wuss once I'm done with an hour of cardio. Why am I such a baby about arm workouts?!?!!? I dunno.

But no matter...a full hour of cardio is nothing to be ashamed of.

In other earth-shattering, exciting, life-altering news....

I wanted to share this picture of my kitchen window with yall.
Looks a little naked, yes?

Okay how 'bout now?


Cute, huh? I saw this fabric at Hancock's and thought it would be cute in my blue kitchen. So on Sunday I made this valance for over the window (valance = easiest thing ever to make with your sewing machine).
I am happy with the way it turned out....my kitchen is painted a sky blue, and all our plates and stuff are bright green and blue.
Also made this little handtowel to go with it. It hangs on the stove.
Here's a close-up...I love that light blue houndstooth!
I also have some red appliances....my big Kitchenaid mixer and a couple of other things are red, so the red ribbon adds a nice touch I thought. And I think it looks really cute with my hand-painted pepper mill set....this is one of my favorite things in my kitchen.
One more super-special picture to share with yall....
Last night Tom had a meeting late, so I was on my own for dinner. After the gym and a shower I was soooooo cold so I bundled up for some taco soup. I spent the evening looking like this:
Robe/Men's Pajama Pants/Uggs is the sexiest combo I could come up with. If you are ever feeling down about your looks, or like you've been a little frumpy lately, please feel free to refer to this picture to feel better about yourself.
I didn't really care what I looked like since this was my date for the evening:
Yummmmmmmmmmm....Sour Cream, will you marry me?
After taco soup, I may or may not have eaten some raw cookie dough while watching The Biggest Loser and wearing the sexy combo pictured above.
It was a perfect night!
Stay warm everyone....

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