Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011 Resolutions Recap

Good Monday morning to you all....

Friday night I went to the gym (yes, this is my life bars or boys or live bands, just the gym on Friday night) for an hour of easy cardio. I think I was a little over-zealous with my sprint intervals on Thursday night because my hip and right IT band were bothering me so I did some low-impact stuff on the elliptical, ArcTrainer, and bike. It wasn't earth-shattering but I did work up a good sweat.

When I arrived at the gym, I could feel the stress and negative energy of my day all over my body. I had tight shoulders, my eyes were glazed over as a result of staring at a computer all day in a windowless office, and my mental state was not good.

I was just having one of those, 'whoa is me, my job is so boring' days.

But within two minutes of being on the elliptical I felt better. Those endorphins were hard at work, improving my attitude! So for the next hour I just reveled in the bright lights of the gym, the purr of the machine below me, and a little Wheel of Fortune on TV. I felt 110% better by the end of the hour.

So today is the last day of January, thus ending my first shot at doing monthly resolutions instead of resolutions that span over the course of an entire year.

I am *pretty happy* with how I did with my resolution.

I completed 14 out of 17 scheduled workouts, so I'm giving myself a grade of 82%, or a B-.

Not too terribly shabby for the first month back in the swing of things. But obviously, the goal is to give 100% to these workouts.

I noticed that I had one good week, one bad week, one good, one bad. This is proof that sometimes life simply gets in the way. There will be days when I have something come up and just can't get to the gym for an hour.

And that's normal, and to be expected so I'm not beating myself up over it or anything. I am feeling good and welcoming another month of goals!

I also noticed that I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoy and miss running outside. Right now, I usually just go to the gym because our days are so short and I don't like running in the dark.

But on the weekends I am able to go later in the morning and it has really made me miss it! I notice that when I do a 'long run' on a Saturday morning, and have a good breakfast, I feel better all weekend long. Now if I can just remember that when I'm offered a third margarita on Friday night. :)

I just published my February page, if you're interested. And gave it a better name this time...Feelin' Fine February!

Because by the end of the month I'll be feelin' and lookin' pretty fine. Just you wait.

So click on over if you're interested. I added a couple of little things to look forward to, so I'm excited about the coming weeks.

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