Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursday Randomness

I have many random thoughts to share on this Thursday morning.

For starters, my January Resolution is off to a good start. Six days in, and feelin' good about it!

I did my 4 mile run, then an additional 1 mile with Reba on Saturday for a total of 5 miles.

On Tuesday evening I went to the gym and did the following workout:
  • 15 minute treadmill
  • 15 minute eliptical
  • 15 minute stair climber
  • 15 minute upper body weights/row machine

I really loved that row machine, I think I'll try it again tonight. I enjoyed my workout, only trouble is, I'm not sore. Which means I don't think I really pushed myself enough. I like to be sore but not in pain after a good workout.

So tonight it's back in the gym on the Search for Soreness. :)

For seconders, look who visited us the other night!

Bex and Mr. Bex! They came over on New Years Day to visit and have a yummy dinner and feed Baby Bex #2 (due April 1) with some yummy food. About a month ago, Bex found out that the baby will have some special needs so please keep them in your prayers. The doctors think it is something very minor, but I'm sure all you mothers out there can understand how stressful that can be. Bex is so cute and preggers, but she says she is CRAVING hard-core exercise and her body just won't cooperate. In a few months she will be rarin' to go again.

And because I know you're wondering, they do not know the sex of the baby. They found out with their first one (boy), and decided to leave this as a surprise.

I made a black eyed pea dip (by the Ree the PW...who goal in life to be her when I grow up) to get in our 'good luck' for the year. It was pretty good!Hi my name is Laura and I like to take pictures of food. And my badly painted fingernails.

Thirdly, if anyone is looking for the cutest and smartest dog in the universe, look no further. She is sleeping on my couch:
Hi my name is Laura and I like to take way too close up pictures of my dog.
And lastly, because I know you care, I have learned something very valuable that I shall hold near and dear to my heart for the rest of my days....
I have learned to sew a ruffle on a dish towel. Again, I can feel your jealousy. Please calm down. I used this tutorial and I think this little guy turned out kinda cute! He went from this.
To this!
Happy very, very, early Valentines Day.

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