Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome, 2011!

When I think back, I spent my most formative years in the 1990's, and the 2000's sounded so.....far the future. I was flipping through TV channels the other night and Back to the Future II was on.

I always loved those movies.

I've never been particularly attracted to shorter men, but that Micheal J. Fox....whew! What a cutie he was, yes? Still is, if you ask me.

Anyway, in the second Back to the Future movie, Marty McFly and Doc travel into the year 2015 to try to save Marty's future family from doom and dispair. In the movie, they are traveling in flying cars and instead of simply walking on foot, they use floating HoverBoards.
I love the idea that back in the early '80s, everyone's idea of the future was so far-fetched and 'out there.' And now here we are, a mere four years from that year, and while technology has come a long way, we are far from 'flying' our errands around town.
Last year at the beginning of the year I took time to write down all my resolutions for 2010. Some of them I completed, some I didn't. And I'm okay with that.
But for some reason, this year, I am totally unmotivated to resolve to do anything. I'm not sure why.
I think it might be because at this point in my life, I just want to be the best version of myself. Be a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend and co-worker. I'd like to be a good photographer and a good seemstress, too, but those are both works in progress. Also on the list is to be a better athlete and a better Christian. I'd like to become a better, and more educated cook and a fun aunt...and most of all...the one that's most important to me...that's why I left it for to be a good wife.
I don't want to sound like my whole identity rests in being Tom Withers' Wife because it certainly does not (as evident by the laundry list of other things listed above!). But, at this point in my life I do feel like it is one of the more important roles I play.
At some point in the future...near future, or far future (hey, maybe 2015?!)....I'm not sure...Tom and I will want to see our family grow and then I'll take on the role of a mother which is serious business!
It is my personal belief that a healthy home is rooted by a healthy marriage. And I want to raise my family in a healthy home with happy parents. I don't expect perfection by any means, but I think so often I get caught up in the day-to-day routine of life and forget to focus on my husband and my relationship with him.
Wow...this 'Resolutions Post 2011' just got a lot deeper than I had planned, but it is what it is, I guess! Like I always say, we're all friends here. And nothing wrong with a little honestly among friends.
ANOTHER thing I'm focusing on right now is to get back in the groove with my workout routine. After the half marathon I was so over it and just too a full month off. Off from exercise, off from eating right, just OFF!
And I'm paying for it now! I found myself daydreaming about exercise and really feeling guilty when I indulged in super-bad foods for three meals....err DAYS in a row. So what better time than the beginning of the year to kick some bad habits and get back to the good ones right?
Last year, Bex and I did a 12-miler on New Years Day!
This year, I knew that 12 miles wasn't gonna happen but I still started the year off on a good note by taking a 4 mile run around Tunica. Afterwards I came home and got Reba for another mile. I was going to walk it, but Miss Rebaroo was ready to run, and I was feeling good so I went for it.
It felt great to get up a good sweat! And as the saying goes, "A body in motion, stays in motion," so I spent the rest of the afternoon being extrememly productive, taking down all the Christmas decorations around the house (don't even ask...I'm so depressed about house is so boring now....that's another post for another time).
So instead of a New Years Resolution, I am going to do a January Resolution. I will resolve to go to the gym three times during the week, and go for one run over the weekend.
Not too bad, right? No time restraints, no weight goals, no classes to attend, just four days a week for the month of January. I am going from a three-month break to four days a week in an effort to kick-start my *good* habit of working out more regularly.
Do you have any NY Resolutions? Or are you like me and like to just take it a month or so at a time? Baby steps is where it's at, if you ask me.
Well, as always, I'll let you know how it goes!

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