Monday, January 10, 2011

A How-To Guide

Happy Tuesday Bloggies!

Today I have a how-to guide for you.

How to NOT lose the 5 pounds you gained over the holidays,

How to GAIN about 2 pounds in one sitting,

How to crank up the good 'ole cholesterol,

How to obtain adult-onset diabetes.

I give you, How to Make Snow Cream.

You will need two ingredients:

A can of this:

Fun fact about Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk: there are 1,300 calories in one can. Yes you read that right. 1,300.And a lot of this:

That's it.
Crack open your can of sugary creamy obesity:

Pour it over your bowl-o-snow:
Mix well:
And mix it some more:
Put it in your favorite mug:
And enjoy! After enjoying this winter-time treat, you will probably need to sit back on the couch and unbutton your jeans because you'll be so uncomfortably full.
Yesterday I got off of work early and took this picture of our house, covered in a sweet little snow blanket! She so purdy.
When I got back inside from snapping a few photos, this is what I found:
Tom and Reba had a very *large* morning of sledding, children chasing, nose-snow-plowing, and snowball eating so they were beat! Tom said Reba went full steam ahead for two and a half hours straight at the levee. Then came home and passed out within 20 seconds.
In Tunica, we only have one hill. The Mississippi River Levee. So when it snows, everyone gathers there for sledding revelry. I had to work so I missed out on all the fun but Tom said there was easily 50 adults, 30 kids, and about a dozen dogs!
Last night we went over to the neighbor's house to watch the National Championship Game (and although it pained my heart to cheer for Auburn, I did. I had to support our SEC! Fifth BCS champ in a row!) and eat Erin's famous Gumbo. And S'mores. And Snow Cream.
Tonight I must get this jiggly booty the gym to work off some of my Snow Day treats! Will be back tomorrow with a full report on how my second week of my January Resolution kicks off!

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