I think I am still recovering from my weekend because I had big plans to go to the gym this morning but instead hit the snooze button about 11 times.
This is my last week of my January Resolutions so I am determined to finish with a bang! Don't worry, I'll get it done.
But today is more about Christina's shower!
Yesterday we left off with her arrival to Jessica's house on Saturday morning with both 'grandmamas' in tow.
We immediately invaded her personal space and demanded she let us rub that round baby belly!
- Chicken Salad Sandwiches
- Pimento Cheese Sandwiches
- Fruit Kabobs
- Pasta Salad
- Spinach Dip
- Petite Fors
This picture cracks me up! I think Kathleen was a little intimidated by all the 'necessities' that a baby requires!
There is such a sweet story behind these two pairs of earrings. Christina's mom, Beth, gave them to her for the baby on Saturday. The top pair are the first diamonds that Christina's dad gave to her mom when they were first together. And the bottom pair, the hearts, were just a sweet gift he gave her later on.
I thought that was so cool, such a sweet heirloom. Christina joked, "I don't have a pair of diamond earrings but it's nice to know that my unborn baby does."
After the gift-opening, we convinced Christina to show us her bare belly and let us touch it. Let me tell you that little girl was a'dancin' in there!
It was so cool and weird. Loved it. Christina threatened me with bodily harm if I took or posted a picture of her bare pregnant belly on the internets, so the above is as close as you're gonna get to seeing it.
Love these girls! Great, I'm crying now....
Come on, Linnie Grace, we're ready for you!
Oh, it was such a fun afternoon.
We sat around talking and catching up and laughing about old stories until 3 o'clock that afternoon!
What a perfect way to celebrate our first baby! I cannot wait to see what this sweet little girl turns out to be like. Hopefully she will have her mommy's beautiful dark eyes and complexion, along with Christina's sense of humor. And her daddy's sweet and giving nature, not to mention a love and passion for Alabama football.
And, of course, we'll demand that she pledge Pi Phi whether she wants to or not!
Counting down the days until March 4th!!!!
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