Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lazy Snowy Sunday

Good Morning everyone!

Hope your week is off to a great start!

I was a *lazy bum* yesterday afternoon and only stepped foot outside my house to take some pictures of Reba folicking in the snow:

That's right....I said SNOW!
We rarely get snow 'round these here parts....But yesterday it started at about 4:30 and didn't quit until midnight!
So aside from our 12-minute photo shesh outside, I stayed in all day working on some sewing projects (pics to come).
And I may or may not have stayed in my PJ's all day long. I cannot confirm nor deney it, though.
This morning there was still about 5 inches on the ground but I still had to come to work.

Booooo for work....I'd rather be frolicking!
Stay warm everyone!

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