Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Confession

T-minus 6 hours til my weekend!

I had to work late again today, so I don't get off 'til later but no worries because it gave me a chance to sleep in a little and workout this morning.

I was a little disappointed in myself because I needed to go to the gym yesterday in order to complete my four days this week, and I didn't go.

I started feeling bad around noon, then had a meeting pop up at 5pm that lasted until 6, and after that I just...didn't want to go. Needed to go home and rest. I was feeling better this morning...still a little puny...but took it easy and did a 30 minute cardio workout.

I felt better by the time I was done, and despite the fact that I had an abbreviated workout, I worked up a really good sweat!

I did:
  • 15 minutes elliptical 'Cardio' pre-set workout
  • 15 minutes treadmill 6% incline at 4 pmh

That incline walk was awesome. I noticed I was totally working out different muscles than when I run. Could really feel it more in my abs and butt.

So there's my confession. Week #2 of January Resolution will go incomplete because I'll only make it three days.

But not to week is a new week!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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