Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

Hey Guys....

I had a great workout this morning!


I said this morning.

I am soooooooo not a morning person. Especially during the barren, gray winter months in the Delta where all the fields are empty and gloomy and sad.

I HATE the sound of the alarm clock going off, rolling over, and seeing the time start with a '5.' Scratch that. I hate the sound of the alarm period.

But this morning, for some reason, I woke up around 10 til 6:00 and was wide awake, rarin' to go! God lit a little fire under my feet this morning, I think.

So anyway, I went to the gym and did:

It was a lovely, sweaty way to start my Tuesday.

Paige over at Two Runners and a Brown Dog gave me an award yesterday!!!! The Stylish Blogger Award, to be specific.

Thanks Paige! Paige is the geographical opposite of me...she was raised in the Delta, and moved to the Big City. I was raised in the Big City and moved to the Delta. I like to think my blog might make her a little homesick (either that, or just plain relieved she got outta here!)!

Here are the rules of the award:

  1. Link back to the person who awarded you
  2. Tell us 7 things about you
  3. Select 5 recently discovered blogs to pass this to
  4. Let them know they've been selected.

So here are my 7 things:

  1. I have decided that my feet get uglier with age. I blame it on the running, but no matter how many pedis I get or how many coats of Cajun Shrimp I apply, they are the ugliest feet in the universe.
  2. Tom has ugly feet, too. Our children will be doomed to a life of ridicule because of their ugly feet.
  3. I eat a lot of pickles. Like, every day. First thing I do when I come home from work is open a jar and eat a few. And sometimes I'll eat them while I'm cooking dinner. I'm not sure where this addiction came from but I just love them. Sometimes I share one with Reba and she seems to like them, too.
  4. I stole an issue of Runner's World from the gym this morning. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest, I was feeling a little guilty. But I didn't get to finish reading all the articles I wanted and I just really needed to take it with me. Does it make it any better that it's the August 2010 issue?
  5. My next door neighbor who is 34 years old just found out she is pregnant with twins. No drugs, no treatments, just the good ole fashioned way. I shall now call her Fertile Mertle.
  6. The neighbor on the other side of me is pregnant also. But just with one baby. Something in the water around here....
  7. I love crime shows of all kinds. Lately I have been watching a lot of old Datelines circa 1997 on some cable channel. What do you think this says about me that I spend my leisure time watching shows about death and blood and murder plots and crime scenes and adultery and insurance fraud? Can't be a good thing...

So there you have it...7 riveting, attention-grabbing things about yours truly.

Here are the 5 Stylish Bloggers I'm passing this award to:

  1. Sara Whitten at Atwood Family Blog
  2. Myra at A Whole Lotta Something (can we give to family? I just did. Twice.)
  3. Emily at [little observations]
  4. Aishlea (and Cohen!) at Excursions of the Spurgins
  5. Heather at Running with Sass

Have a great day, everyone!

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