Sunday, January 23, 2011

Operation: Baby Stacey, Part I

Hey's your Monday?

Mine is off to a good start because I got some serious sleep last night! Tom and slept through the night and did not move a muscle until the arm went off at 7:30 this morning. We needed a good deep sleep after the weekend we had!

Tom left on Friday afternoon with Sara Whit and Brian and headed to Nashville. They were going to visit Myra, and do some work on her house.

I decided to do a few posts about this shower because I took no less than 1,482,394 pictures to document the event. And we have some friends from far, far away that couldn't make it so I wanted to get lots of pics up here for them, so they'll feel like they were right here with us!

So today's is the first of about three posts I'll do, in relation to all things Operation: Baby Stacey.

So I struck out for Birmingham on Friday afternoon. After a four-hour drive I was ready for some friends and FOOD!

Here we are in Jessica's kitchen preparing for Saturday. We all look a little worn out, yes? Working all week and driving all day will do that to ya!

It only took us about 2.5 seconds to fall into our usual banter of poking fun at each other and our weirdnesses. Like I said, I don't see these girls enough but when I do it's like no time has passed at all!

We had a helper in the kitchen:
Jessica's dog, Murphy! He is a rescue dog they got a couple years ago and he is soooooo sweet and cute. He and Reba would be a match made in heaven!

Murphy was instrumental in the preparation of chicken salad sandwiches and champagne punch.

After getting ready for the shower we just chilled at the house, relaxing, getting caught up, and watching Modern Family.
Murphy sat with his new girlfriend, Kristin, on the couch and snuggled all night.
Such a sweetie! He wanted some good 'ole Kristin love all weekend.
No one come near my girlfriend. She is mine, and I will fight you for her.
On Saturday morning Kathleen, Josh (who went unphotographed, sorry Josh), and I got up early and went for a run.
I just love running in other cities when I'm visiting for a weekend. It's so nice to run in some different scenery since my route in Tunica is the same every. single. time.
We ran in Mountain Brook Village, which is a super-cute area of town. Our trail went through trees, over creeks and past some beautiful homes. We did around 3 miles and headed home for breakfast and shower shenanigans.
I loved doing this run with my old roomie Kathleen!!!!
Kathleen and I lived together for almost four years and I cherish her so much! We had a great time chatting and catching up during our run. Oh how I wish we were closer so we could do this every Saturday!

After showers and some breakfast, we got busy in the house, making all the preparations for the shower.
I got these cute personalized stickers at Swoozie's with Linnie's name on them.

Amy made this adorable diaper wreath!

And Lacey brought the diaper cake.

Diapers and monograms and booties, OH MY!

Here's the table pre-food. I made the runner and the vases and I think they turned out cute!
Aaaaaand the drink table. We went through some champagne punch!
Here's the desserts, etc....Jessica got these precious petie fors with Linnie Grace's monogram on them.
Now the food is ready and we're waiting for mommy!

Here she comes! Make way for ducklings....
None of us have seen Christina since she's been preggo so of course there were lots of squeals and pictures when she arrived. And I'm pretty sure Amy cried.
But it was soooooo great to see her...she was glowing and beautiful and perfect!
Stay tuned this week for Operation: Baby Stacey, Part II

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