Thursday, January 27, 2011

Operation: Baby Stacey, Part III

Happy Friday, guys....sorry I've been out the past couple of days and held you in suspense for the third and final day of Operation: Baby Stacey.

This last day is appropriate for a Friday because....well, I dunno, this post just feels weekend-ish to me.

What are yall doing this weekend? I have very little planned and am thrilled about that. We just have a shower to go to tomorrow night for some friends getting married in June. The theme is a 'Date Night' shower so we're supposed to bring them something they can use on a date night after they're know, to keep the spark alive and all.

I told Tom I think I'll just get them a $20 Sonic gift card and some Old Navy pajama pants since that's what our dates consist of these days! Just kidding....we are both busy so sometimes a Sonic blast on a Wednesday night is the only date we'll get.

But I thought that theme was a cute idea.

I have been a slacker this week and just made it to the gym for the first time last night. This means I won't hit four days for this last week of January Resolutions but I'm okay with that. One step at a time here, getting back into the swing of things.

Last night I did:
  • 30 minutes treadmill (this was 15 minute jog/run, and 15 minute sprint interval)
  • 15 minutes elliptical
  • 15 minutes bike

It was a lovely, sweaty Thursday night. I loved doing those 15 minutes of sprint intervals because to me it makes the time go by faster. And let me tell you about some sweat, sisters. Those intervals make you sweat your life away and I love it!

Okay so down to biznazz and what you've been waiting for...our night out with all the friends after the shower.

After packing up her car, giving her belly one last rub, we sent Christina on her way. The next time we see her she will be a MOM!


Jessica and Josh had made reservations for the group at an awesome restaurant in Birmingham.

Okay let me back up...

Jessica and Josh's house was where the shower took place, and it was sort-of our 'home base' for the weekend. They have an adorable home right near the Summitt in Birmingham if anyone out there knows the area.

Jess and Josh (lovingly often referred to as 'Joshica') dated in college and got married about two months before Tom and I did. They are one of those couples who really bring out the best in each other, and are just easy to be around. Poor Josh was surrounded by women all weekend and he was such a trooper.

Joshica can be described as sweet, accommodating, welcoming, demure, helpful, easy-going, tame....remember these adjectives as they will come to mind later in this post.

Anyway, when I was gushing over my friends last week, it was brought it to my attention that I gave Jessica a shout-out but there was not a single picture of her!!!! Which is a shame because she is a button, I tell you what.

So here she is in all her glory.... Love her face. So anyway, Saturday night she made reservations at Dodiyos, a Greek restaurant that they like. If you are ever anywhere near Birmingham or live in the area you have to go there!!!! It was awesome. You'll enjoy perfect service, great food, and just to make your night special, I'll lend out good 'ole Joshica to make your experience complete.

The real deal: Greek Hummus...the highlight of my weekend.

Crusty bread with feta and olives...the yin to my yang.

And the dirtiest martini money can buy...the love of my life.

Anyway, you get the idea. The food was awesome. But the company was AWESOMER.
Susie and Kris

The evening started out with a couple of drinks, and reminiscing about our college days in Tuscaloosa.
Terry (Amy's mom), Amy, and me

The conversation turned to date parties, football games, parents' weekends, rush parties, and the like....
Me, Joe, Jane (Kathleen's step dad and mom), and Kath

...And then, as it always does, the story telling began.
We belly-laughed at stories of first dates, funny professors, bad outfits, late nights, Spring Breaks, etc...
And then we started talking about the first-big-fight-you've-had-since-you've-been-married.

Kristin and Matt's big fight....let me see if I get this right...had something to do with her misunderstanding an allergy he has. She thought he was allergic to hops. As in, the main ingredient in beer.

And as she told the story....
Wait...honey...why are you drinking beer? Aren't you allergic?

Oh you're not? Well wait just a little TOLD ME you were allergic to HOPS!!!!

(dissolves into hysterical crying)

I can't believe I did dramatic.

And then there was Joshica. Sweet, adoring, demure Joshica. Their story was the one that made my cheeks hurt I was laughing so hard.
Yall may not think it's as funny, but I guess it's a 'you had to be there' thing.
To set the scene:
Josh had picked out a recipe to make for dinner, involving artichokes. Jessica was in charge of the grocery run and arrives home, after a long day at work, with arms full of groceries:

Josh: Uh, Jess....where are the artichokes?

Josh imitating Jessica: The artichokes are right here...see, I got the artichokes for your recipe,
Joshy My Love.

Josh (imitating himself, also having had a long day at work):
These are NOT artichokes. These are EGGPLANTS.

Josh imitating Jessica again: Well EX-CAH-UUUUZE the helloutta me for not getting your PRECIOUS ARTICHOKES!!!!

Josh: And then she THREW the eggplant at me! Across the kitchen!

And they didn't speak for the rest of the night.
Bwahahahah! I was crying, laughing at the scene in Joshica's kitchen as the produce went a'flying.

After sufficiently stuffing ourselves, and catching up over dinner we went back to the house and crashed.
Watched a little Modern Family on DVR,
Laughed some more....
And called it a night (how much do you love Kathleen in this picture, by the way?).
Oh how I loved this weekend! I could not have asked for a more perfect way to spend 48 hours!! I am not too hung up on the fact that I missed a workout or two this week because I'm pretty sure I burned enough calories laughing with old friends to make up for it.
Happy Friday Everyone!

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