Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Monthly Resolutions

Happy HUMP Day everyone! For some reason I love saying that on Wednesdays....

I posted earlier in the week about my lack of ambition for my 2011 New Years Resolutions. I did some thinking, and realized that the main reason I am not fired up about my resolutions is because a year is such a long time.

Like, saying, "I'm going to work out at least four days a week in 2011" is a good resolution, but it's totally unattainable for me. 365 days is such a loooooong time, in my mind.

But 30 days, on the other hand, is much more manageable.

So, for 2011, my resolution will be to set monthly resolutions instead of a laundry list of yearly resolutions.

My main resolution for January is fitness-related (duh). And it is very basic.

I've added a page to the blog to keep up with my monthly resolutions, and hold myself accountable. Hopefully, the January Resolutions page won't be as much of an *epic fail* as the St. Jude Training page was!

Here's hoping!

Sorry this post is short, sweet, and picture less....hope you all are having a great week and have some healthy goals set for 2011....or just for the first month of it!

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