Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday Randomness

Sorry exciting picture-filled post here.

Just a boring Thursday.

Some of my randomness for this Thursday....

1.) Lately all I can think about is my friend Christina who is having a baby in March! We are having a shower for her next weekend in Birmingham and I can't wait to see her and all my friends! I am counting down the days. Christina and her husband struggled for over a year trying to conceive this baby, and she's finally on her way! We are so happy for them.

2.) Still trucking along with my January Resolution! Tuesday night I did the following at the gym:
  • 30 minutes on treadmill <----felt AMAZING!
  • 15 minutes elliptical
  • 15 minutes row machine
And tonight I'm going back for more. I am finding that my plan is working well for me....four days a week total is just right to get back into the swing of things.

One of my February goals is to convince Tom to come with me sometime!

3.) I love this dog so much. I have much, much more important and pressing things to do with my time (read: laundry, cook dinner for a hungry husband, brush up on sewing and photography skills, do my Bible study), but I cannot staring at her and kissing her face. It's a problem. Please send help.
This picture circa 2009
4.) I need a new Pork Chop recipe....anyone got any ideas? OOOOOooooo...I know...I'll consult the Pioneer Woman. Her recipes never let me down.

5.) SPEAKING OF the Pioneer Woman aka My Idol, did I tell yall that SHE IS COMING TO MEMPHIS?!?!!? Yes, she is. On her book tour. For the real-live book version of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. I can't wait. She and I are kindred spirits. I want to be her when I grow up.

6.) Last night in Bible study we were talking about the book The 19th Wife. I want to read it so bad. Polygamy fascinates me. I think because it's so far outside my realm of 'okay.' Kind of like obesity and hoarding. I'm so confused by it, I am riveted.

7.) That's all for now. :)

8.) The weekend's almost here!

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