Friday, January 7, 2011

Finally Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone. Yall know my affinity for Fridays. Who else feels the Friday lurve?

Tomorrow rounds out my first week of my January Resolutions and, even though it's only been five workouts over eight days, I am still proud of myself.

It's the little things, I tell you!

Last night after work I did:
  • 20 minutes on treadmill
  • 25 minutes on elliptical
  • 15 minutes on row machine <---counted this as arms/abs

Then this morning, I got to sleep in because I didn't have to be at work until later. So I was a huge slug with Reba and watched Kathie Lee and Hoda in bed. Reba loves Kathie Lee and Hoda.

On this particular hour of KL&H, they worked out for the entire show, and the each segment was about different healthy habits. They were either on the bike, the treadmill, or the elliptical the entire hour. Really cute and funny.

After our relax-a-thon, I went to the gym and did:

  • 15 minutes on treadmill
  • 15 minutes on elliptical
  • 15 minutes on ArcTrainer
  • 15 minutes arms

When I do a cardio rotation like this, I carry around my water bottle with me and only take VERY MINIMAL breaks in between each machine. Like, under two minutes. This way my heart rate stays up.

This morning's workout was very hard for me. Not sure why, but by the end of the 15 minutes on that ArcTrainer I was TY-EERD! So I did my weights, and high-tailed it outta there to make a Subway run!

As I was working out and dying a slow death, I was a little discouraged. 45 minutes of cardio to many people is just the first HALF of their workout. Heck....I used to be one of those people once upon a time!

But I also realized it's important to shift my focus to what I CAN do, not what I cannot do. I just need to remember how far I've come, and how much I've accomplished in the last year.

Tomorrow I have a four mile run planned, and will hopefully follow it up with a mile walk/run with Reba. And I will be a quarter of the way through my first monthly resolution! See....isn't that better and more motivating than having to wait THREE MONTHS to be a quarter of the way through a resolution? Seven itty bitty days is way better!

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