Monday, August 31, 2009

Tunica: Country Girls = Ultimate Athletes

First of all I'd love to point out that my blogging partner in Nashville has fallen awfully behind on her blog postings. Is this because she has quit running? Is this because she started grad school today? Is this because she doesn't love me anymore? All of these questions remain unanswered until she gets her purdy butt back online to blog for us. I know all her adoring fans out there miss her very much. :(

Okay so back to business. Last week was a very successful running week for The Bex and I, especially after coming back from vacation, and Bex had the stomach bug. So we waited until Tuesday to start our week-o-running and were very proud of ourselves. We did the standard 4-miler on Tuesday in Tunica. Then she invited me to come to her neck of the woods to run. Bex, Mr. Bex, and Baby Bex live in a beautiful farmhouse in Sara, Mississippi which is only about 15 minutes from Tunica. They live on the farm so we decided to mix things up a bit and RUN on the farm! It was great. Such a beautiful morning, watching the sun come up over the rice fields, jogging on uneven terrain made us feel like such the Ultimate Athletes. And we finished 6 miles lickity-split! While on this run I felt lucky to live in this part of the country where so many of our domestic resourses are grown, harvested, and sold. It is a beautiful place, come visit us anytime...Bex and I will put to you work! The only down side to running on the farm is that my beautiful orange and white Sauconys - laces and all - got extremely dirty. BUT the way I look at it, it is just one more sign that I am an Ultimate Athlete. Also, my lover-of-all-things-gadgets-husband has a nifty little contraption that is oh-so-helpful to dirty country running shoes. The Peet Boot and Wader Dryer from Cabela's is the ticket! You can hose your shoes off, inside and out, then stick 'em on the dryer and by the time you get home from work they will be dry and clean as can be! So great. I would encourage all Country Running Girls to purchase one.

So after a great country run, we decided to do our long run in the 'city' (and I use the term 'city' loosely, as the Town of Tunica is one square mile with a downtown consisting of a post office, drug store, bank, and a courthouse clock that has never worked). So on Saturday morning bright and early we ran our longest distance yet....7 miles! We were very proud of ourselves but our feet were KILLING US by the time it was all said and done. I kept telling Bex that it felt like one of my toenails had fallen of my left foot was killing me so bad! So when I got home and took off my shoes and socks sure enough my second toe on my left foot was black and blue all over (with toe nail still in tact...for how long, I'm not sure. It doesn't look like it'll last much longer). Gross, right? That particular toe has continued to get increasingly worse since Saturday, and is now swollen to the size of my thumb with an icepack on it under my desk as I type. While minor toe injuries are common in distance runners, they are a PAIN PAIN PAIN to deal with, I tell ya! Does anyone out there in blogworld have any helpful hints to dealing with and preventing a sprained toe? Help and guidance, please.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tunica: Siiigggggghhhhhh....back from Vacay.

And I'm back! Whilst on vacation I was computerless and missed all of my adoring blog fans out sorry to keep you waiting, Mom and Erica.

Well, the ole vacation wasn't exactly as productive as I'd hoped. I know in my previous post I had high hopes for completing at least three runs during the week, but no such luck. I was able to complete one sad, sorry, little 2-miler and that was all she wrote. For starters, I had a very hard time getting motivated in the mornings due the fact I had no one to run with (Bex could not accompany me vacay...she is little but she wouldn't fit in my suitcase), and each night was full of a ton-o-food-and-wine. What's a girl to do...I was on vacation okay?!?! And I suppose it didn't help that the said 2-miler took place at like 4:00 in the afternoon, post-sunburn, and was up hill both ways. So there you have I say...some days you're just the fat white girl.

On a better note, I decided to finally post pics of our PINT5K we did a couple weeks ago. AND on and even BETTER note, I was extrememly thrilled to come home to a clean, empty, and most importantly deflated above ground pool on our patio (thank you Neighbor Family). It will go into storage until next year, or might possibly mysteriously disappear between now and then.

Lauren and me

The Famous Bex and me

Friday, August 14, 2009

Tunica: Another Redeeming Run!

So yall might remember that this morning was the dreaded weekly 6-miler that comes each Friday. I use the term 'each' loosly since we have not run a 6-miler in quite some time, but it always our intention to do our long runs on Friday. This morning we decided to hit the road at 5:45am because I had to be at work early this morning. First of all the weather could not have been better. It was like 65 degrees and breezy. Such a nice break from the 75-80 degrees of pure fat humitiy we've been dealing with lately. So we polished off our 6-miler this morning with ease, again averaging a 12-minute mile (and again without walking or breaks! We did decide, though, that once we get to 7 miles we will need to set up some sort of wather station along our route). Speaking of 12-minute-miles...this provides the perfect segway to talk about Nashville's post yesterday. I'd like to add my thoughts:
  • First I want to point out that I'm very proud of Caitlin for not only attempting to go through a training program for half marathon, but for also blogging about it on the internet for all the world wide web to see! (okay, maybe our parents are the only ones who read it, but still...)
  • Second Caitlin, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR 1.3 miles in 15 minutes! At least you are doing it, and remember that as time goes by your speed and endurance will increase. Make a goal for 2 miles....regardless of week.
  • My third point is it might be a lovely idea to find a running buddy who runs with you and not in front of you. Maybe you have not done so already because you enjoy watching your current running buddy from behind. :)
  • Lastly I want to say again that running slowly is the only way to begin when training for such a long distance run. Just get over it. And I say that with love.

So next week I have quite the challenge. I am going on vacay with the hubs and the dog to a super-fancy place called My Dad's Lake House in Lenior City. Jelous? You should be. Here is how our schedule will go: Sunday: lay on the dock and do nothing, throw tennis ball for Reba. Monday: lay on the dock and do nothing, throw frisbee for Reba. Tuesday-Saturday: Repeat. While there will be lots-o-relaxing, I do plan to run at least three out of the 7 days we are there, just like any other week, simply to maintain my progress. But considering the fact that a.) it is super-hilly around the lake house and I used to the flat lands of the Delta and b.) clearly I am in uber-luxury mode this being my yearly vacation and all, I am thinking I'll shoot for two runs of 2 miles each, and one run of 3 miles. If I'm feeling super-frisky I might go for a long run of 4 but we'll see. So with that being said this is so long for now...more posting to come next week when we are back in the land of the living on the 24th.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nashville: 1.3 miles in 15:13 - Yowza!

Although I did not have the "good fortune" to come home to an above ground pool like my dear friend Laura, I did manage to puncture a hole in my two-year-old tennis shoes that squeak as I run. I have yet to purchase a new pair, so I'm lookin' a hot mess with my toe sticking out and sounding like a chew toy with every step I take.

Saturday: Since running on Friday most definitely never happened for the trio in Nashville. Caitlin decided to make up for it by taking Sadie for a jaunt at the training grounds bright and early Saturday morning. Inquiring minds want to know – where was her trustworthy running buddy and boyfriend – in his bed, zonked out asleep. And folks, this not a man you try to wake up if you want to live to tell about it. So Sadie and I took off with my itunes a jammin and we had a great run!

Monday: Ever so tech savvy Ben downloaded an application to his phone called CardioTracker which can tell by GPS how fast you are going, your route, average speed, etc. We decide to test it out this morning and find that I am in fact one of the slowest humans on planet earth – I believe me and a sloth are in a Mexican standoff to see who can take the title, “Slow Poke of the Century.” 1.3 miles in 15:13….sigh…. Not to mention, once again, Ben “high school football drills” Lambert decides he’s going to drop and give me twenty while I try to gain some ground. Nice gesture, but I need to pick up the pace!

Tuesday: Ben and Sadie take to the streets sans Caitlin who is now on an every-other-morning-routine. Ben of course takes his trusty G1 phone with CardioTracker and all…..and wouldn’t you know folks, he ran 1.6 miles in EXACTLY 15:13. He also informed me that he did have to walk a couple of times, but still. I mean come on!?!?!?! The EXACT same time even with walks and still ran further! All I have to say is he was haulin’ it! Good for him!

Wednesday: I ran at a different park this morning with one of my best friends Erica. Gotta mix it up a bit – variety is the spice of life they say! But, let me just tell you I thought I got away from the hills of East TN, but noooooo. Edwin Warner Park might as well be called Mt. Edwin Warner where you need a walking stick, mountain goat and Buddhist monk to help you navigate up the incline. So basically…we walked. But we ran on the flat parts!!!! All in all it actually was a good jog with good weather and a great friend!

Note: I would to acknowledge that not only do I attempt to run early in the mornings I also do a really hardcore workout afterward….yeah, that’s it…really tough workouts! So I don’t want to seem like a total wuss! It’s just the whole “getting started” part of this running that ain’t too purty for this girl! But I’m glad you are tuning into this fun little blog and I'm glad I wasn't the one to come home to an above ground pool! Bahahahah!

Tunica: I Am Awesome

Okay, so it's not just me that's awesome. It's me and the BEX that are the two awesomest girls in Tunica County this week (quite a feat considering there are a total of about 841 women living in the booming metropolis of Tunica, MS). After I was all down and out on myself about the Worst 5 Mile Run In History, and then shortly thereafter a poor showing at the PINT 5K last Friday, I do believe I have redeemed myself, folks! Bex and I went out for our usual Wednesday morning 5 miler yesterday. I was scared considering that we had taken Monday off (due to Bex having an inner-thigh injury...still not too sure what that is all about..., and me being too lazy to run by myself), which means we had not run one single step since Friday. That would be a 4-day break which is about 3 days too long. So anyway, we hit our usual 5-mile route on Wednesday morning and totally kicked it's butt! Somehow we managed to not walk or break at all, making this my personal best as far as distance goes. Good news, right?! Also, we finished in a decent took us about an hour, which is a 12 minute mile, which I am 100% fine with. I am a Running To Finish Girl, not Running To Beat Everyone Else Girl. Obviously.

I wanted to mention something in this post about breathing techniques while running. I have read that most people recommend you inhale one breath per every 4 paces while running, and exhale one breath every three paces. This is what they call a 4:3 breathing pace. Are you with me, do you know what I'm talking about? Have a pace to your breathing keeps your running speed more consistent, thus making your runs slightly easier in my opinion. I have found that I can do a 4:4 pace for 0-2 miles, a 4:3 pace 2-4 miles, a 3:2 pace for another mile or so. At the very end of the run I try to finish strong therefore doing a 2:2 pace. What do you do? How do you breathe when you run? Comments...Thoughts....Concerns?

So we are doing a 6-miler tomorrow morning at 5:45am. While you are sleeping sweetly under the covers, dream fast and sweaty dreams for us...wait that sounded gross...instead, dream fast and athletic dreams for us! Still a little gross, but you get what I mean. Stay tuned to see how the 6-miler goes tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tunica: A 5K, Sushi, and Swimmin'....sort of.

So this past Friday night Bex, her friend Lauren, and I ran the "Pale is the New Tan 5K" to benefit Melanoma research. The race was in Memphis off of Poplar on Ridgeway Loop. It was a great race full of energy and sunshine. We drove up together after work on Friday itching to go...all suited up...talking a mean game....getting pumped. We arrived and registered, got our goody bags complete with T-shirts (always an awesomeness item in a race goody bag...I love wearing my race T's and people always ask 'Oh, did you run a 5K?' like it is some big long distance not knowing it is really only 3 miles), coupons, little trial-sized lotions and face know, the usual for a race goody bag. There were about 500 people, a band, dogs on leashes tugging on their owners with anticipation. Young parents pushing decked-out running stollers with sleeping babies. It was a great evening to run and I could feel it! I felt like a million bucks. I felt like a runner. We all line up at the start line, stretching, chatting, checking our wristband GPS units to make sure they were working. Talking to runners around us about what a lovely evening it is...running for such a great cause. What a night. So the start sirens go off and we're off! The course was shaded with rolling hills through some residential areas. A nice course, all in all, but I was severely underwhelmed with my own performance. Bex and Lauren seemed to have the swing of things but around mile 2 I started to feel like the body of a Clydesdale with the speed of a tortoise. Not good. So I finished the 3.1 miles in 40. Long. Sweaty. Minutes. Again, sad story. But, it's like I say, sometimes you're the Kenyan, sometimes you're the fat white girl. Looks like if I dont get my act together most of my days are going to be filled with Fat White Girl Syndrome.

So after the race, we decided it was high time to reward ourselves and go out for SUSHI. Lauren and Bex love the Kyoto in Hernando (a neighboring city to Tunica for those of you who don't know). Everyone knows Kyoto...a "Chop Chop Place" as my dad calls it...where they make all that yummyJapanese food in front of you. Well, we were not interested in the chop chop, just the sushi bar that's inside the restaurant. The three of us ordered so much sushi that our waitress kept coming out saying, "Sorry it's taking so long, it's just that your is a really big order." Again, feeling like a Clydesdale. But when the sushi finally arrived, no holds barred...we demolished it. Yum City. For anyone in the area I highly recommend Kyoto in Hernando for their sushi. And chop chop, if you're into that.

And lastly to top off my oh-so-exciting weekend, something un-running-related. On Saturday I went to get my tires rotated and to get my hair done in Southaven (again, a neighboring city...we dont have anything in Tunica...must drive 30 minutes to get to anything. You're jealous, I know). I called Tom on the way home, "Whacha doin'?" I ask. "Oh, just playing with Webb and John Allen in the back yard." Webb is our 5 year old neighbor, John Allen is Tom's bff/Webb's step dad. "We have a surprise. Come home and see it." Great.

So I approach the house to nothing out of the ordinary. Upon entering the back yard I see Webb's Slip 'N Slide streched out on the grass. A good 'ole summer standby. I am semi-relieved to see it is something that Reba cannot immediatly destroy and I'll have to clean up later. However, upon rounding the corner to our back patio is when I see the real 'surprise.' Complete with 600 gallons of water, it's own filter and pump, and lawn chairs surrounding, is a 10-foot wide above ground pool. Yes you read that right. Above. Ground. Pool. Tom mentions that it was originally $89.99 but they were able to sweet-talk the girl at the Dollar General into giving it to them for $59.99. Tom is beaming he is so proud of this 'surprise,' as I slowing make my way over to inspect this hideous display of redneckness that is now in my once-lovely-and-grown-up back yard. "Oh, good." I sigh. At that point Webb busts through the fence in his swim trunks and yells, "Oh kewl!! A hot tub!!!!!" and promptly donns his goggles and jumps in. As we were sitting around the 'pool' (it pains me slightly to say it), I did mention to Tom and John Allen, "You know this is my worst nightmare, right? Sitting in lawn chairs around an above ground pool." Tom says, "What are you saying, you think you're too good for our new pool?" "Yes, actually, that's exactly what I'm saying." Is my honest reply.

Although an above-ground pool is not my most favorite surprise Tom has ever supplied, it was fun to watch Webb and Reba slashing in the water on such a hot August day. I even dunked in a few times to cool off on Sunday while hanging out with everyone. All in all a good weekend of running, sushi, and swimming!....sort of. :)

Friday, August 7, 2009


So Team TMOB was going to make the run this morning but a funny thing happened. Alarm goes off a blasting at 5:45 am and the old snooze receives the slap and tickle and there was no running involved. I beleive it may of had something to do with the Cosmic Pizza and steak and cheese calzone from Mellow Mushroom. Also, lets not forgot Caitlin's Ying Lings and Ben's Skinny Dips. Stay tuned to see if this training ever really gets on track~!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cast of Characters

Welcome to this fabulous, stimulating, educational blog! Who knew blogging could be so fun? Okay so maybe not fun, but it is a great way to pass the time and spread the good word of FITNESS to our friends and family. After a few posts , we have decided it would be appropriate to introduce everyone to the blogger world. For those of you just tuning in, here is a Cast of Characters de la blog, so you know who we're talking about:


Laura: Married, living in Tunica, Mississippi. Runner by morning, Marketing admin by day, bloggerby night. Ah, a woman of many talents. Judging by the sounds of her posts one would assume she's a first time distance runner but oh no folks, this ain't her first rodeo. Laura ran the Music City Marathon in April 2007. Two years, one husband, and about 15 pounds later, she has decided to take up running again in an effort to get her pre-marriage body back. Happy marriage + Mississippi home cookin' = Chubby Laura. So with the encouragement of her hubs, her runny buddy Bex, and of course her Nashville partner in crime, she'll be crossing the finish line at the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon in January.

Tom: Laura's oh-so-encouraging husband. Although Tom is not a runner (bad knees, with a scar the size of Texas to prove it!) he is a great cheerleader and offers to ride alongside Laura on his bike for those grueling long runs. Thankfully, Laura has found a running buddy in Bex so no need for Tom On A Bike quite yet, but he will come in handy as a water boy when the runs get really long. As a member of the farming community, and a hunter/fisher, he is no stranger to an early morning! Tom was cheering Laura on at her first big race in Nashville. At the time they had only been dating for a couple of weeks but he was supportive from the get-go!

Bex: short for 'Rebecca,' note: this is not how she identifies herself, I just thought it was a fun and funny way to give her a nickname. Bex is mother, wife, and Laura's running buddy. Bex is slightly more advanced than Laura, which helps Laura stay motivated on their long runs every Friday! If it weren't for Bex showing up three times a week at 6am, finding 5Ks and 10Ks all over tarnation, all the while with a good 'tude, Laura would still be Chub City. Thanks to Bex for all the early mornings!

Reba: Laura's dog. Although Reba is not a runner (yet...she is a little young a.k.a. very spastic...maybe when she is older and more leash-accustomed), she is very cheerful in the mornings which is no small feat.


Caitlin: dating Ben, recently moved to Nashville, TN in January ’09 from the hills of Knoxville where she did NOT run because of that exact reason – too many hills – is obviously a beginner in the world of half marathons. However, she has a little something people like to call, "too much energy" and therefore is lettin’ it all out on the open road. She’s motivated by the bragging rights that come with running 13.1 miles, overall health benefits and the great white hope of getting a smokin’ hot bod from all this cardio. With the advice from the First Lady of Tunica, support of Ben and his pace dog Sadie, she’ll be rarin’ to go at the Music City Half Marathon come April!

Ben: An IT guru who created this lovely blog you’re reading and is someone who is not, I repeat, not training to run in a race. He got suckered into 5:45 AM call times by his girlfriend, Caitlin. He also recently became the proud owner of a condo located about 3 blocks from Bicentennial Park (simply referred to as "the training grounds" or "entrance to hell" as Caitlin puts it) which is a convenient place to get this training on track! It’s pretty apparent from the posts that he is in great shape and pushes his girlfriend to run faster and farther. With a little encouragement, he might just be motivated enough to sign-up for the Music City Half Marathon on his own and finish the race!

Sadie: Don’t let the cute face and dog-like features fool you. She is a work horse, pace car and the fastest mammal on the planet! With her in the lead and Caitlin and Ben trying to keep up; they will certainly have a good run and a fast time. I guess having four legs makes you faster than two.

And that about sums us up! We will add updates as our cast of characters grows.

Nashville: Buh-bye Miller Light

Alright, I’m not gonna lie. I am in no way a long distance runner. Yet, there was a moment back in college when I would run 5-7 miles a day like it was no big thing, so I’m trying to bring back those glory days. (wish me luck!) It all started on a random Tuesday when I got the ever so brilliant idea to run a half marathon - which is a whopping 13.1 miles - and now that I have an official blog there’s no turnin back!

Wednesday: So we went this morning!!! Me, Ben and Sadie in tow...actually she was leading...I was the slow one. But ya know, I told Ben to just call me "tortoise" because slow and steady wins the race! I did not stop for a breather or anything so I’m super stoked even if I had a super slow pace.

Thursday: Arg. I got up at 5:45 in the AM to do this to myself??? It would not have been quite the ass kicking if maybe I wasn’t sore and maybe I hadn’t drank beer the night before and maybe if I didn’t have 2 year old tennis shoes that squeak as I run…but I digress…I did get out of bed and Bicentennial Park here we come!
Ben: “Let’s start running here today.” (a spot much earlier than yesterday)
Me: insert Are You Crazy?!?! look here. “Alright fine.”
Me: “Um, Ben….I think you’re running a lot faster than yesterday.”
Ben: “No. I’m not.”

A couple of minutes go by….
Me: “Are you sure you’re not running any faster?”
Ben: “No. I’m not.”
So in my mind I begin to swear off all things barley and hops related and promise myself I’m getting some new kicks ASAP.

Another few minutes and now people at the farmer’s market across the street can hear me panting and wheezing like a 60 old lady who smoked 8 packs of Marlboro reds per day...
Me: “Babe, this pace IS faster!”
Ben: “I promise it’s not.” As he starts to do side steps/run backwards/old football drills – in a nutshell - he’s smokin me.

It comes to a point where I have to walk. I said it. Walk. and I don’t even think I had run a mile…sigh…this happens not once, but twice. So long Miller Lite, nice knowin’ ya! We finish our run with me a huffin' and a puffin' and start heading back as Ben leans over with a smile and says, “I was going a lot faster.” ;)

Tunica: Thus is Life. Sigh.

So after I talked such a big game to my beginner friend Caitlin, wouldn't you know the road KICKED MY ASS this morning. Here I am giving advice and pointers about shoes, pace, distances, and this morning I basically needed a gurney to get me home. Here's how it went down:
Monday: Rocked out a 6 mile run like it's my job. Only walked about 1/4 mile about half way through. I am a self-proclaimed bad ass. Feel great all day.

Wednesday: Plan was to run 5, but we woke up to thunder, lightning, and sideways rain, thus skipping the said 5 miles in exchage for staying under the covers with the hubs.

Wednesday Night: have a giant dinner of steak kabobs, potatos, okra, and most importantly WINE with Neighbor Family. Very yummy dinner, not so yummy idea.

Today: awoke at 5:40am...I could feel it in my bones that today was not the day for another 6 miler. However, I have my committment to my running buddy and peeled myself out of my big cushy king sized bed to hit the open road.

Tom was snoring. As I'm leaving the room I kiss his head and say, "I'm you hunny." He says, "Huh? Wuv. Wuvoo." Resumes snoring. How motivating.

Anyway, Bex (said running buddy) and I get to 2.06 miles and have to walk. Yes, you read that correctly. We were so exhausted at 2.06 miles we had to walk for a good 1/2 mile. A personal WORST for us. We are both already soaking wet and the air is stagnant and soooooo humid to the point that we are talking out loud to God begging for a breeze. Start back with a light jog, that is until we hit 3.55 miles. Walk again. Sad story, I know. Still soaked with sweat. Still no breeze.

The last 1/2 mile before we get home is the hardest. At this point I'm reciting Bible verses in my head because a.) I am trying to keep my mind off of the agony and b.) if I drop dead I figure it'll bode well for me to be thinking about Jesus while doing so. Luckily I did not drop dead, and lived to tell the story of the worst. 5 mile. run. in. history. When we got home Bex looked at her watch and said, "It took us the same amount of time to run 5 this morning as it did to run 6 on Monday." Terrible.

Moral of the story:
So what have we learned from the worst 5 mile run in history?
#1. No more potatos & wine before running mornings.
#2. Build up distance through the not try 6 one day, and 6 the next when 6 is the farthest you've run. Don't try to be a rock star!
#3. Some days you're the Kenyan, some days you're the fat white girl who takes an hour and a half to run 5 miles.
Thus is life.