Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nashville: 1.3 miles in 15:13 - Yowza!

Although I did not have the "good fortune" to come home to an above ground pool like my dear friend Laura, I did manage to puncture a hole in my two-year-old tennis shoes that squeak as I run. I have yet to purchase a new pair, so I'm lookin' a hot mess with my toe sticking out and sounding like a chew toy with every step I take.

Saturday: Since running on Friday most definitely never happened for the trio in Nashville. Caitlin decided to make up for it by taking Sadie for a jaunt at the training grounds bright and early Saturday morning. Inquiring minds want to know – where was her trustworthy running buddy and boyfriend – in his bed, zonked out asleep. And folks, this not a man you try to wake up if you want to live to tell about it. So Sadie and I took off with my itunes a jammin and we had a great run!

Monday: Ever so tech savvy Ben downloaded an application to his phone called CardioTracker which can tell by GPS how fast you are going, your route, average speed, etc. We decide to test it out this morning and find that I am in fact one of the slowest humans on planet earth – I believe me and a sloth are in a Mexican standoff to see who can take the title, “Slow Poke of the Century.” 1.3 miles in 15:13….sigh…. Not to mention, once again, Ben “high school football drills” Lambert decides he’s going to drop and give me twenty while I try to gain some ground. Nice gesture, but I need to pick up the pace!

Tuesday: Ben and Sadie take to the streets sans Caitlin who is now on an every-other-morning-routine. Ben of course takes his trusty G1 phone with CardioTracker and all…..and wouldn’t you know folks, he ran 1.6 miles in EXACTLY 15:13. He also informed me that he did have to walk a couple of times, but still. I mean come on!?!?!?! The EXACT same time even with walks and still ran further! All I have to say is he was haulin’ it! Good for him!

Wednesday: I ran at a different park this morning with one of my best friends Erica. Gotta mix it up a bit – variety is the spice of life they say! But, let me just tell you I thought I got away from the hills of East TN, but noooooo. Edwin Warner Park might as well be called Mt. Edwin Warner where you need a walking stick, mountain goat and Buddhist monk to help you navigate up the incline. So basically…we walked. But we ran on the flat parts!!!! All in all it actually was a good jog with good weather and a great friend!

Note: I would to acknowledge that not only do I attempt to run early in the mornings I also do a really hardcore workout afterward….yeah, that’s it…really tough workouts! So I don’t want to seem like a total wuss! It’s just the whole “getting started” part of this running that ain’t too purty for this girl! But I’m glad you are tuning into this fun little blog and I'm glad I wasn't the one to come home to an above ground pool! Bahahahah!

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