Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cast of Characters

Welcome to this fabulous, stimulating, educational blog! Who knew blogging could be so fun? Okay so maybe not fun, but it is a great way to pass the time and spread the good word of FITNESS to our friends and family. After a few posts , we have decided it would be appropriate to introduce everyone to the blogger world. For those of you just tuning in, here is a Cast of Characters de la blog, so you know who we're talking about:


Laura: Married, living in Tunica, Mississippi. Runner by morning, Marketing admin by day, bloggerby night. Ah, a woman of many talents. Judging by the sounds of her posts one would assume she's a first time distance runner but oh no folks, this ain't her first rodeo. Laura ran the Music City Marathon in April 2007. Two years, one husband, and about 15 pounds later, she has decided to take up running again in an effort to get her pre-marriage body back. Happy marriage + Mississippi home cookin' = Chubby Laura. So with the encouragement of her hubs, her runny buddy Bex, and of course her Nashville partner in crime, she'll be crossing the finish line at the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon in January.

Tom: Laura's oh-so-encouraging husband. Although Tom is not a runner (bad knees, with a scar the size of Texas to prove it!) he is a great cheerleader and offers to ride alongside Laura on his bike for those grueling long runs. Thankfully, Laura has found a running buddy in Bex so no need for Tom On A Bike quite yet, but he will come in handy as a water boy when the runs get really long. As a member of the farming community, and a hunter/fisher, he is no stranger to an early morning! Tom was cheering Laura on at her first big race in Nashville. At the time they had only been dating for a couple of weeks but he was supportive from the get-go!

Bex: short for 'Rebecca,' note: this is not how she identifies herself, I just thought it was a fun and funny way to give her a nickname. Bex is mother, wife, and Laura's running buddy. Bex is slightly more advanced than Laura, which helps Laura stay motivated on their long runs every Friday! If it weren't for Bex showing up three times a week at 6am, finding 5Ks and 10Ks all over tarnation, all the while with a good 'tude, Laura would still be Chub City. Thanks to Bex for all the early mornings!

Reba: Laura's dog. Although Reba is not a runner (yet...she is a little young a.k.a. very spastic...maybe when she is older and more leash-accustomed), she is very cheerful in the mornings which is no small feat.


Caitlin: dating Ben, recently moved to Nashville, TN in January ’09 from the hills of Knoxville where she did NOT run because of that exact reason – too many hills – is obviously a beginner in the world of half marathons. However, she has a little something people like to call, "too much energy" and therefore is lettin’ it all out on the open road. She’s motivated by the bragging rights that come with running 13.1 miles, overall health benefits and the great white hope of getting a smokin’ hot bod from all this cardio. With the advice from the First Lady of Tunica, support of Ben and his pace dog Sadie, she’ll be rarin’ to go at the Music City Half Marathon come April!

Ben: An IT guru who created this lovely blog you’re reading and is someone who is not, I repeat, not training to run in a race. He got suckered into 5:45 AM call times by his girlfriend, Caitlin. He also recently became the proud owner of a condo located about 3 blocks from Bicentennial Park (simply referred to as "the training grounds" or "entrance to hell" as Caitlin puts it) which is a convenient place to get this training on track! It’s pretty apparent from the posts that he is in great shape and pushes his girlfriend to run faster and farther. With a little encouragement, he might just be motivated enough to sign-up for the Music City Half Marathon on his own and finish the race!

Sadie: Don’t let the cute face and dog-like features fool you. She is a work horse, pace car and the fastest mammal on the planet! With her in the lead and Caitlin and Ben trying to keep up; they will certainly have a good run and a fast time. I guess having four legs makes you faster than two.

And that about sums us up! We will add updates as our cast of characters grows.

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