Friday, August 14, 2009

Tunica: Another Redeeming Run!

So yall might remember that this morning was the dreaded weekly 6-miler that comes each Friday. I use the term 'each' loosly since we have not run a 6-miler in quite some time, but it always our intention to do our long runs on Friday. This morning we decided to hit the road at 5:45am because I had to be at work early this morning. First of all the weather could not have been better. It was like 65 degrees and breezy. Such a nice break from the 75-80 degrees of pure fat humitiy we've been dealing with lately. So we polished off our 6-miler this morning with ease, again averaging a 12-minute mile (and again without walking or breaks! We did decide, though, that once we get to 7 miles we will need to set up some sort of wather station along our route). Speaking of 12-minute-miles...this provides the perfect segway to talk about Nashville's post yesterday. I'd like to add my thoughts:
  • First I want to point out that I'm very proud of Caitlin for not only attempting to go through a training program for half marathon, but for also blogging about it on the internet for all the world wide web to see! (okay, maybe our parents are the only ones who read it, but still...)
  • Second Caitlin, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR 1.3 miles in 15 minutes! At least you are doing it, and remember that as time goes by your speed and endurance will increase. Make a goal for 2 miles....regardless of week.
  • My third point is it might be a lovely idea to find a running buddy who runs with you and not in front of you. Maybe you have not done so already because you enjoy watching your current running buddy from behind. :)
  • Lastly I want to say again that running slowly is the only way to begin when training for such a long distance run. Just get over it. And I say that with love.

So next week I have quite the challenge. I am going on vacay with the hubs and the dog to a super-fancy place called My Dad's Lake House in Lenior City. Jelous? You should be. Here is how our schedule will go: Sunday: lay on the dock and do nothing, throw tennis ball for Reba. Monday: lay on the dock and do nothing, throw frisbee for Reba. Tuesday-Saturday: Repeat. While there will be lots-o-relaxing, I do plan to run at least three out of the 7 days we are there, just like any other week, simply to maintain my progress. But considering the fact that a.) it is super-hilly around the lake house and I used to the flat lands of the Delta and b.) clearly I am in uber-luxury mode this being my yearly vacation and all, I am thinking I'll shoot for two runs of 2 miles each, and one run of 3 miles. If I'm feeling super-frisky I might go for a long run of 4 but we'll see. So with that being said this is so long for now...more posting to come next week when we are back in the land of the living on the 24th.

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