Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tunica: I Am Awesome

Okay, so it's not just me that's awesome. It's me and the BEX that are the two awesomest girls in Tunica County this week (quite a feat considering there are a total of about 841 women living in the booming metropolis of Tunica, MS). After I was all down and out on myself about the Worst 5 Mile Run In History, and then shortly thereafter a poor showing at the PINT 5K last Friday, I do believe I have redeemed myself, folks! Bex and I went out for our usual Wednesday morning 5 miler yesterday. I was scared considering that we had taken Monday off (due to Bex having an inner-thigh injury...still not too sure what that is all about..., and me being too lazy to run by myself), which means we had not run one single step since Friday. That would be a 4-day break which is about 3 days too long. So anyway, we hit our usual 5-mile route on Wednesday morning and totally kicked it's butt! Somehow we managed to not walk or break at all, making this my personal best as far as distance goes. Good news, right?! Also, we finished in a decent took us about an hour, which is a 12 minute mile, which I am 100% fine with. I am a Running To Finish Girl, not Running To Beat Everyone Else Girl. Obviously.

I wanted to mention something in this post about breathing techniques while running. I have read that most people recommend you inhale one breath per every 4 paces while running, and exhale one breath every three paces. This is what they call a 4:3 breathing pace. Are you with me, do you know what I'm talking about? Have a pace to your breathing keeps your running speed more consistent, thus making your runs slightly easier in my opinion. I have found that I can do a 4:4 pace for 0-2 miles, a 4:3 pace 2-4 miles, a 3:2 pace for another mile or so. At the very end of the run I try to finish strong therefore doing a 2:2 pace. What do you do? How do you breathe when you run? Comments...Thoughts....Concerns?

So we are doing a 6-miler tomorrow morning at 5:45am. While you are sleeping sweetly under the covers, dream fast and sweaty dreams for us...wait that sounded gross...instead, dream fast and athletic dreams for us! Still a little gross, but you get what I mean. Stay tuned to see how the 6-miler goes tomorrow.

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