Monday, August 24, 2009

Tunica: Siiigggggghhhhhh....back from Vacay.

And I'm back! Whilst on vacation I was computerless and missed all of my adoring blog fans out sorry to keep you waiting, Mom and Erica.

Well, the ole vacation wasn't exactly as productive as I'd hoped. I know in my previous post I had high hopes for completing at least three runs during the week, but no such luck. I was able to complete one sad, sorry, little 2-miler and that was all she wrote. For starters, I had a very hard time getting motivated in the mornings due the fact I had no one to run with (Bex could not accompany me vacay...she is little but she wouldn't fit in my suitcase), and each night was full of a ton-o-food-and-wine. What's a girl to do...I was on vacation okay?!?! And I suppose it didn't help that the said 2-miler took place at like 4:00 in the afternoon, post-sunburn, and was up hill both ways. So there you have I say...some days you're just the fat white girl.

On a better note, I decided to finally post pics of our PINT5K we did a couple weeks ago. AND on and even BETTER note, I was extrememly thrilled to come home to a clean, empty, and most importantly deflated above ground pool on our patio (thank you Neighbor Family). It will go into storage until next year, or might possibly mysteriously disappear between now and then.

Lauren and me

The Famous Bex and me

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