Monday, May 17, 2010


Bex and I had a liesurely 40-minute bike ride, and 45-minute run this morning. Total of about 11 or 12 miles. Since this is 'taper week' I'm not pushing myself too terribly hard.

It was a cool and breezy morning today and it felt great! I am PRAYING that the weather will be like that on Sunday for Race Day. Please think happy weather thoughts for me. :)

On a random topic....

What do you all think about dreams? Do you think they have a meaning or they're just craziness that our mind creates while we sleep?

I am not sure how I feel about them, but I have been having some crazy ones lately.

Most of which have been about the race.

I am someone who dreams every night anyway. I also dream in full-color. I'm not sure what that means but it has to mean something cool, right?

So lately my dreams have ALL been about the race. In every dream, the swim leg goes GREAT. In the first one I had, I finished the swim leg in only 35 minutes and was within the first group of women out of the water.

In my second dream I finished in about 40 minutes but the swim was easy and went by quickly. The other swimmers around me didn't disturb me and the lake water wasn't scary (both of which I have been uber-worried about).

However, in each of these dreams something goes terribly wrong at the bike leg, thus ruining the rest of my race. In the first one, they DQ'd me because I didn't have a flat tire repair kit (I don't know why....a repair kit is not required in the real thing). In the second one, I got out of the water and realized I had forgotten all of my nutrition, my watch, and my iPod.

What do you think this means? Maybe I am placing too much thought and worry on my swim leg, and my dreams are trying to tell me to just relax and get through it?

Or maybe these are premenatory dreams....telling me that the swim will be fine but I also need to place focus on the bike and the run so something doesn't go horribly wrong.

Or maybe I just thinking about it too much all-around and need to CHILLAX for goodness sakes!!!!!!!!

AND the past two nights I've had pregnancy dreams....I'm not the pregnant one, it's always a friend. In the first one it was my friend Amy (ha ha....if she is reading this she is probably like 'WTF?!?!' because I haven't told her about the dream yet). She and Brian have been married for about 6 months and in my dream I visited her and she told me she was 10 weeks pregnant!

THEN I dreamed that another one of my friends (who is NOT married) got pregnant unexpectedly. Uh-Ooooooooooh....creepy, huh? Maybe I will do some Googling and see what it all means....

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