Friday, May 21, 2010

My Last Post....

....before the Triathlon!

The next time I post on the blog I will (God willing) be an official TRIATHLETE. How 'bout that?!

I am feeling more confident then I have been in the past couple of weeks. My bad dreams about the race have stopped, and I am starting to feel a peace about Sunday.

I am looking forward to the race atmosphere, getting all my gear together, being with my family, and CELEBRATING with them at the finish line.

I think I am really feeling better about it because I am realizing what I have known all along....that I am doing this race for ME and for no one else.

I am not out to prove anything, or set any records, or make anyone proud but me.

My thoughts this week have turned from scared and nervous to confident and strong. On The Biggest Loser this week, Bob said something that stood out to me when he went home to visit Micheal's family.

For those of you who are *crazy* and don't watch BL, Micheal is the biggest contestant the show has ever seen. He started out at 522 pounds and is now down to 322. 200 pounds down! Amazing. His younger sister is very overweight, and when Bob went to visit their home he said to her, "You know you deserve better."

You deserve better.

For some reason it stuck with me.

I deserve this race.
I deserve to finish.
I deserve to feel comfortable in my skin.
I deserve to brag.
I deserve to be a size 6.
I deserve to accept a compliment.
I deserve to look forward to wearing a bathing suit.
I deserve it all because of the blood, sweat, and tears I've put in, in the past few months.

Okay, maybe just sweat and tears but you get the picture.

Tonight my dad and Louise get here and we are eating at our house. And tomorrow afternoon we'll head up to Millington to the race site (just North of Memphis, about an hour from Tunica). We are going to pick up my race packet and spend the night up there.

So the next time you hear from me it will be a race recap post and I CAN'T WAIT to tell you all about it!

Have a great weekend!

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