Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Self Affirmations

Doing this triathlon has gotten me thinking a lot about mental toughness and getting the results that you DESERVE.

I think so often we make excuses for ourselves, and don't allow our MINDS to even think we could accomplish something huge. Why is that?

Is it the way we were raised?

Is it society that beats us up?

Or is it just that deamon our shoulder saying, 'you can't do it. you can't do it'?

I don't know if it's one or all of the above but there are times where you simply cannot accept any more excuses. You cannot accept anything less for yourself. You cannot accept anything but the best.

Throughout my training, and throughout the actual event, there were soooooo many times when I thought it was too hard. It was too much. I was in over my head. I had taken on more than I could handle.

Physically, I was fine. I wasn't injured. I wasn't DYING. It was just hard.

Then the mental toughness would kick in with 'Why not?' 'Why not at least try?' 'You can do it.' 'You deserve it.' 'You. Can. Do. Anything.'

I think we could all stand to take a page from little Jessica's book. Take a look at this:

She looks in the mirror and sings with gumption...."I can do anything good! I love my hair! I love my haircuts! I love my dad! I love my whole house! I can do anything good!"

While it's so easy to focus on what we're NOT good at, it needs to be noted what we ARE good at.

What's wrong with looking in the mirror every now and then and saying,

"I love my dog."

"I love my eyes."

"I love my car."

"I love that new dress I bought."

Even something as trivial as, "I love it when I make up my bed in the morning...." (that's one of my own!)

Try pulling a 'Jessica' for a few days and see how it changes your life.

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