Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mock TWOsday! and WW Update

Hey Friends! Miss me?

I have been out of pocket for a few days because of a crazy work schedule but I'm back to (semi-) normal now.

Because of said crazy schedule I had yesterday off so I FINALLY got around to doing Mock Two. After postponment due to weather and feelin' icky, I was so glad to finally get it done because the Real Deal is T-minus 17 days!

I am terrified.

Doing Mock Two yesterday made me feel *slightly* better, but I am nontheless terrified.

So here's the skinny on Mock Two:

I had originally decided to do a 1/2 mile swim, 16 mile bike, and 4 mile run for Mock Two. However, since we are closer to Race Day I decided to do something inbetween Mock Two and Mock Three.
  • Swim: 1000 meters (1600 meters is a mile)
  • Bike: 18 miles
  • Run: 5 miles
Tom took me and my bike to the aquatic center around 8:15 yesterday morning and I was rarin' to go! Here are some FAQ's about Mock Two:

How long did each leg take you?
Swim: 27 minutes. I was really hoping for more like 22-24 but I'll take it. This leg is the only part of the race that terrifies me. Transition 1 was about 6 minutes.
Bike: 69 minutes. My goal was to do it in 72 minutes (a 4-minute mile) so I was very happy with this time. My bike time has improved drastically since Mock One. Back in March, 12 miles on the bike took us 57 minutes which is almost a 5 minute mile. T2 was about 3 minutes
The run took me about 50 minutes. My goal was to do it in an hour so I was thrilled to get done 10 minutes faster than anticipated. AND I took a bathroom break at the two-mile mark.

What did you wear?
Same thing that I wore for Mock One...a bathing suit with a sports bra under it for the swim, then I threw on a tank top and bike shorts for the bike and run. I am buying a trisuit once I get paid on Friday!

What did you eat before/during/after?
About 15 mintues before the swim I ate a Luna bar and had an Emergen-C. This is my standard pre-workout meal no matter what I'm getting ready to do.
I had taped a GU energy gel to my bike so I could just rip it off when I was ready to eat it. I ate that GU around mile 4 of the bike. Next time I will wait until later because I was really wishing I had some energy around mile 14 or 16.
I had another gel at the very beginning of the run. HammerGel Tropical flavor, to be exact. This was perfect timing because I felt great for the entire run. I got thirsty around mile 4 but for the real race there will be water/Gatorade stations so I'm not worried about that.
After I was done I gulped down a lot of water, and a Muscle Milk Light. It was around 11:30 by the time I got done, so I also ate a turkey sandwich and apple for lunch.

How did you feel during each leg?
Swim: I hate the swim. I hate, hate, hate it. At times I could feel the panic rising in my chest, like I couldn't get enough air in my lungs but I just had to go somewhere else mentally. I just had to slow down my stroke for a minute and concentrate on staying calm and breathing. I was just ready to get out of that water so got it done as fast as I could. Did I mention I hate the swim?

Bike: The bike was lovely! It was a GORGEOUS day, and I just kept a steady pace and rocked out to my iPod the whole time. At times I was biking into the wind which made it difficult. I had to remember not to go 'all out' the whole time, so that my legs wouldn't be too fatigued for the run. When I wasn't biking into the wind, I took advantage of it and cranked up my gears to gain some ground. A few times I had to stand up on the bike because my hiney was getting sore, but that was it. Otherwise it was a great day for a nice little 18-mile bike ride!

Run: My original plan was to do our standard 5-mile loop. But around mile 1 I realized I had to pee so bad, so turned around and ran back to the house. I figure this is nothing to worry over because I will most likely need to take a bathroom break during the real thing. After my bathroom break I ran another three miles for a total of 5. During the run I was TIRED. I just concentrated on throwing one foot in front of the other and getting to Mock Finish Line. ha! There were times I had to slow down almost to a walk, but I never stopped! I will be okay if I have to walk in the race, but I hope I don't have to.

When I got done I just sat in the middle of the road in front of my house for a few minutes. I was exhausted but it felt good!

That afternoon I rewarded myself with a few of my favorite things...a Route 44 Diet Vanilla Coke from Sonic, a $200-trip to Wal-Mart, and a few hours of laying by the pool in an attempt to get rid of my Gabby Reece tan.

Then to top off a great day, it was my favorite episode of my favorite show....can you guess what that was? That's right....Make Over Week on The Biggest Loser. Love it!

Weight Watchers Update: I'm afraid I don't have good news on the WW front. This week I gained the most I've ever gained....2.5 pounds!?!?!! Whaaaaaaaat?! I blame the crazy work schedule in which I had to work Memphis in May Music Festival all. weekend. long. and was forced...yes, forced. Someone held a gun to my eat Carni-Food all. weekend. long. Damn you, foot long corn dog and colossal piece of pepperoni pizza!

I am not *too* discouraged because I am now at 153.5 which means I only need to lose 1 pound in order to make weight next week and not have to pay.

I feel pretty good if I am somewhere between 150 and 155, and a size 6. That is where I'm most comfortable so I'm not too down in the dumps yet. :)

Happy Wednesday Everyone....almost over the hump!

I was happy with my Mock Two time, but I am still nervous about the real deal in only 17 days!

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