Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WW Update

I don't have much to share today except for a Weight Watchers Update! So here it goes....

Weight Watchers Update: I just got back from weigh-in and lost another 2 pounds! Can I get a hoot-hoot-hooty-hoot for 2 POUNDS?!?!!!?! Total weight loss to date is 20.5 pounds. Only 1 more pound to go until I reach my goal weight of 150. I am pumped.

After I reach 150 I will remain on Weight Watchers but be on the Maintenance Program.

If I understand it correctly, I will have to stay at 152 pounds or lower (two pounds over your goal weight is the rule) for 6 weeks. If I do that, I will be an official Weight Watcher Lifetime Member for as long as I stay at or below the 152 limit. I think that's right.

I thought I while back that I might post some 'before and after' pictures of myself but wanted to do it only after I had lost 20 pounds. So now that I have, I guess I might post some! Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some good before and after pics.

I just want to spread the good word of Weight Watchers because I love it so much and it is the only thing that's ever worked for me! Of course working out 90 minutes a day helps, too, but the food is equally as important.

My lovely mom, Helen, is coming to visit me next weekend! I can't wait to have her here for a nice long weekend. We love to relax and do nothing when we are together. If anything, we eat, drink, and shop. So that's what we'll do.

I have been looking for a good healthy pizza dough recipe to make with her while she is here. Any suggestions? I would love to hear some feedback from readers who have make their own dough before because I have never tried it. If you have any good recipes or recipe resources email them to me at

Thanks guys! Have a great Wednesday!

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