Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dolly Update and WW Update

Dolly Update: Okay, so I know I promised no more personal non-working-out stuff but I HAD to share an exerpt from this sweet email I got upon my return to work yesterday. It is from Dolly's new dad!!:


Dolly has arrived home! What a peanut! She is so sweet and seems to be getting along with the other dogs pretty well. She snapped at MOlly today, but I think she is trying to let her know "I may be small, but watch it!"

She has an old soul's face. Her and Molly took a nap with Jeanne on our bed this afternoon. It is a little chilly here today, so a "Two dog night" was a pretty good feeling. She is sitting here with me now as I write. She must know it is to you.

Thank you for all you have done for her. She's a jewel. We promise to be good parents (okay, we'll try really hard), and love her!" sweet, right?! I (of course) cried when I read it. Love that. And he sent a really sweet picture of them with Dolly when they picked her up on Saturday. Dolly was grinning ear to ear!

Weight Watchers Update: I just got back from weigh-in and stayed the same. I was certain I had gained back all 18.5 pounds of fatty fattness over my SB2010 weekend, but I didn't! I am very pleased and not at all discouraged because today starts a NEW WEEK!

That is the beauty of Weight Watchers. If you have a bad week, you get that shiney new PointsTracker and get to start all over the next week. So I am full steam ahead and back at it this week.

This morning Bex and I did a 5-miler outside as opposed to our usual Sprint-Interval-Last-Chance workout. I was craving a run, and really wanted to be outside. While usually 5 miles ain't no thang to us, it was sooooo hard this morning. I'm pretty sure the Weight GAIN Fairy snuck into my room last night and filled my tennis shoes with cement.

Clearly taking a week-long break from workouts was NOT a good idea and will NOT be doing it again any time soon. Looking forward to the rest of the week so I can get in some swims, bikes, and runs to make up for lost time!

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