Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weekend Races

Well I am slowly but surely working myself back in to a regular work out routine after taking a full week off (what was I thinking?!). I was just telling my mom this morning that as a result of not-exercising I can really feel it effecting my body.

I don't sleep as well, and I don't have as much energy during the day. I'm not as likely to make good food choices and I get that sluggish-is-this-day-over-yet feeling around 2pm every day.

But no worries because I am back and better....did our fiver yesterday, and tonight I'm going for a swim/strength workout. I always dred a swim but feel great afterwards because I can feel it works my whole body...especially abs and arms which are problem areas for us all, aren't they?

After my swim tonight I'm going to home to pack and get ready to go to Knoxville this weekend! I can't wait because I love going back to my hometown, especially in the Spring. The whole city is green and lush and blooming with Dogwood trees. I am going to do the Petsafe Village Dogwood Park 5K on Saturday morning. If you are in the area come join me! I couldn't find a picture of their logo but the course is along Cherokee Boulevard and here are a few snaps of the scenery:
It is the most beautiful area of Knoxville along the river so I know it will be a great run. My goal is to finish with a personal record. My current PR for a 5K is 29:59 as you might remember from the Thanksgiving Day 'Hot to Trot.' Also in Knoxville.

I want to give a shout-out to my friend Julia who is running the Country Music Half-Marathon this weekend in Nashville. Julia is a great good friend of mine...we have known each other forever, and were in each other's weddings. She is very athletic by nature so I know she'll do great in her first half. Her goal is to finish in under 2 hours (I think...isn't that right, Jules?) which she can totally do. Those long gorgeous legs will get her there lickity split! Good luck Julia and have fun!!!

There are a couple more 5Ks in the Memphis area if you are interested this weekend:

Both sounds like fun, and seem to be for pretty good causes.

Where are YOU running this weekend?

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