Eating without abandon, never an empty cup in hand, rockin' some seriously dirty hair, and best of all, being with my friends 24/7.
This weekend was the annual Crawfish Alley and Tunica Rivergate Festival. My girlfriends from Nashville got a taste of CA about three years ago, and have been back every year since!
Here I am (in the evident by the dirty hair) with Lacey, Caitlin, Erica, and Amy. All these girls were in my wedding they are some of the BEST girls....scratch that...the best PEOPLE I know. When we are together we talk and laugh non-stop.
The Mooneys, Brennan and Erica
All the boys enjoying some mudbugs. From left to right: Brian, Brennan, Jesse, and Ben
350 pounds of crawfish are cooked every 15 minutes!
Here is some random redneck Crew member...I dont know who he is...just some random redneck...seasoning the crawfish.
Can you smell all those spicey bugs?!?!!
Amy and Brian...the newlyweds.
Lacey and Jesse....Jesse is our most loyal Crawfish Alley attendee. Last year he came without Lacey!
Here I am showcasing the biggest crawfish of the day. I named him Barack Obama because he was a big damn deal.
The random redneck crew member must have liked me because he kept coming over and talking to me and trying to pretend we were *married* or something.
I only eat them once a year but I love 'em!
This pretty much sums up our weekend: Crawfish and Beer aka Heaven.
Needless to say I totally fell off the Weight Watching Triathlon Training wagon this weekend. But everyone needs a little break from fitness reality every now and then. Then on Monday Bex and I had scheduled Mock Two, as you might remember.
In addition to feeling like I had been hit by a truck (duh, Laura, you are 27 not 19....don't try to party like a rock star ever again), it was raining. So we had to.....YET AGAIN....postpone Mock Two. But yall will be the first to hear about it when we finally cross the Mock Finish Line. :)
And I must confess that the random redneck crew member in the orange do-rag above is in fact my husband. I do not encourage this do-rag OR the tacky facial hair. But Tom insists on playing the part all weekend. I don't want to be a lame wife, though, so I let him think I think it's cute. Needless to say I am glad to have my clean-shaven husband back this week.
Okay yall I PROMISE we are back to business this week because I know you are getting tired of hearing all about my non-working-out personal life.
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