Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weight Watchers Update

I am about to go for weigh-in and I do not feel too confident! I am think I am stuck at a plateau which is just *okay.* I am pretty proud of my current weight, but it always helps to see a slight loss on the scales each week.

Last night was an easy swim workout, and there were about a thousand screaming elementary-schoolers at the Aquatic Center. One little guy was swimming in the lane next to me and asked, "Are you on the Tunica Academy Swim Team?"

Whaaaaaaat?!?! Clearly he asked me this because a.) he thought I was a good enough swimmer to be on a *team.* and b.) he thought I was young enough to be in high school. Ha!

Maybe I should sport the swim cap and goggles more often.

Then I did a 60-minute sprint workout this morning. Did I tell yall that a couple weeks ago I got up to 9.0 MPH on the treadmill during my sprints?

Well, I did! I seriously thought my legs were going to detach. I was so tense and focused on not-falling that my neck muscles were sore for days. ha ha! So today I just went up to my standard 8.5 MPH so as not to injur myself just days before my big race!

Weight Watchers Update: I'm up a pound from last week. Current weight is 153, weight loss to date is 18.5 pounds. I am annoyed that I am just sort of hovering at this 154-152 area. I want to be 150 and STAY THERE!

Sigggghhhhhhh....why can't I just wish myself thin?!? :)

Happy HUMP day everyone!

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