Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life Lately....

...has been kind of crazy around here!

I still feel like my normal routine is spinning out of control, but we are all still standing so all is well. Lately I feel like every time I make a 'plan' to do something, something else comes up and disrupts everything.

I have not been training as much as I'd like, sleeping as much as I'd like, spending quiet time as much as I'd like, but thus is life, I guess!

I am a big 'schedule' person, so this has been hard for me. But I think God is testing me....for what, I don't know, but I know he has a PLAN, too! So yesterday after reading this post on Caroline's blog, I decided to just give it all to Him and go with the flow. I know He has good plans for me so not to worry!

On Tuesday night, I came home to this:
Who doesn't love a bearded man in an apron, am I right ladies?
Y'all have seen these before in my kitchen....dove kabobs!
And a sweet little helper from next door who LOVES 'Mr. Tom.'
We had a group of guys (and a few gals) over on Tuesday night to cook some doves the guys had killed at a hunt on Sunday. Tom is getting soooooo good at cooking all this wild game! I am glad because I am good cook for the most part, but have a hard time with most wild game dishes(however, I can make a mean venison meatloaf that would make the Pioneer Woman proud). Everyone raved about the kabobs and roll-ups he made.
It was a fun night with friends.
An update on the four-legged friends in our life...many people have asked for a Reba update to see if she's preggers or not! So here's the deal....
I have learned more than I ever cared to know about the reproduction process of canines in the last few weeks. For starters, dogs do not like to be watched while they are 'gettin' busy,' so to speak. Our dog doesn't, at least. Can't say I blame her.
That being said, we never actually witnessed any baby-making among Reba and Rascal. So since Rascal left our house in early September it has been a little bit of a guessing game.
We also learned that there is no such thing as a doggie pregnancy test (well, I'm sure there is but it's probably expensive and not really all the necessary), that they just do an X-ray on the suspected soon-to-be-mother at 45 days.
If our calculations are correct, Reba is around 44 days TODAY. So next week I am going to take her to vet to see if the X-ray shows any sweet little puppy fetuses.
We've weighed her, and she's only gained 5 pounds. The vet says this is not abnormal for a pregnant dog. And I think she is *totally* looking and acting pregnant. She is more tired than usual, and more clingy, if that makes sense. And she's filled out a lot around her middle.
So if she is pregnant (which I would bet she is), her due date will be sometime in the second week of November, and puppies will be ready to go to new homes around December 22!!! Christmas gifts, anyone???? :)
And then there's Conway Kitty...the bain of my existance. Kidding...sort of.
Conway is doing well and in a solid eat, poop, sleep, schedule just like a real baby! Ha! I have to feed him every four hours with watered-down kitty food in a sirenge. Yes, every four hours around the clock so that means waking up in the middle of the night in an effort to keep this cat alive.
I am hoping in the next couple of weeks, however, that we will be able to spread the feedings apart a little so I can get some sleep!
So that's the animal update for ya.
This weekend I am working at a festival in Memphis, and have Monday and Tuesday off. So my mommy is coming into town to play! I am excited to see her, and to celebrate the glorious day of my birth on Monday!!!!!
Woo-hoo! Have a great Friday, everyone!

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