Monday, October 25, 2010

Short and Sad....

Instead of short and sweet I titled this post 'short and sad' because I have some hard news to share (again...what is with this cloud of sad stuff over us lately???).

Conway Kitty went to heaven yesterday.

I know, I know, I am very sad too.

Yesterday morning around 10am we fed him before going to Memphis for an arts festival. Tom had promised to feed him around 4pm that afternoon. He is eating every 4-6 hours now.

Around 2 o'clock Tom went in to check on C.K. and he was curled up in a ball, sleeping soundly. Tom decided to take a nap and feed him in a couple of hours instead of waking him up to feed him.

So Mom and I were at the festival, where it poured rain all. day. long. Around 2:15 they shut it down early since all the artists were just getting wet and the sponsors (that's us) were grouchy. So we loaded up my company van with our booth items and headed back to the casino.

After about 10 minutes on the road, I was rear-ended by a woman in a small Honday Civic. No one was hurt, but her car was totalled bless her heart. When you work for a casino and have a 'wreck' in a company vehicle, there is a lot red tape to go through. So once back on property, I had to deal with all that.

Finally around 4:15 we arrived home, exhausted and looking like drowned rats! I went in to get Kitty and feed him and he did not look right. He was sort of sprawled out, more like a dog would sleep, instead of curled up in a little ball like usual.

When I picked him up, he was breathing but very limp and lathargic. And quiet. We cuddled him and kissed on him, and got some food and water down him. It was like he was so weak and sick that he couldn't even lift his head up, poor thing. It was so sad.

After spending some more time cuddling him and loving on him, and giving him some water, we let him rest for a bit. About an hour later, Tom went in to check on him and held him for a few minutes until he simply quit breathing.

I am so confused because I had done everything the vet had told me, and everything I had read on the internet. Food and water every 4-6 hours, lots of love and cuddling, keeping him warm by putting a medium-heat heating pad under a towel in his bed, making sure he ate and pooped regularly. Everything was fine, and then.....nothing.

After some googling, we think he might have had a little internal parasite? Because there was nothing wrong with him on the blood or weird stuff like it must have been something internal. And I know what we were feeding him was right because his food came from the vet, and we fed him just the way they taught us to, by mixing it with water and giving it to him little by little through a sirenge.


That is all.

I was sad and cried because I thought we had done all we could do to give him a good life, and I wanted him to grow up to be our pet. But I guess it just wasn't in God's plan for Conway Kitty.


BUT on a happier note, I have the day off work today and Mom and I are going to spend it shopping because IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Wooty-Hoot for a b'day and a couple days off work!!!

Have a great week, everyone. Please don't be sad for me. :)

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