Thursday, October 7, 2010


I just noticed that today is my 150th post. Wish I had something more interesting and thought-provoking to blog about but I don't.

As usual.


I read Tina's post this morning over at Carrots 'N Cake about nicknames, and it made me want to post on the same topic.

I know this is a little random but work with me, here.

My maiden name is Frazier. I grew up around so many other 'Lauras,' so in high school and college everyone called me Frazier or Fraz. Many people in Knoxville still do.

When I was working at the Opryland in Nashville there was me, another Lara, a Laurie and a Lori all in our office. So Myra (Tom's sister, remember that working with her was how I met Tom) always called me Laurafrazier. Like one big word. Only when she said it in her Mississippi twang it came out sounding more like 'Law-rah-fraye-scha.' Love it.

The 'Laurafrazier' stuck so much that when I started meeting people in Tunica, many people asked me what my last name was. As in, they thought my first name was Laura Frazier. Like a double name. I know it souds weird, but in the South a double name like Laura Frazier would totally fly.

Tom's family all call me 'La-La' because when Lilly was born I had said I wanted my aunt name to be Aunt La La. So now many of our friend's kids call me that, too. I find it's easier than 'Laura' for the kids, because many of the toddlers have trouble with their L's and R's.

Tom often calls me 'Turbo' when I'm in a bad mood (which is like NEVER...heh heh), or in a hurry. And when I'm not in a bad mood he calls me something sweet like 'Lovie' or 'Shoog' (I believe 'Shoog' is an adaptation of 'Sugar') or, most often, simply 'Hun.' Another one of his favorites is 'Grace' which he calls me when I am clumsy or say something stupid (as you can imagine this one very rarely gets used...I wish).

Tom is really good at the sweet nicknames (he is going to be so embarrased by this...bwah!).

I am not as creative with my nicknames for him. I usually just call him 'Hun' or sometimes 'Thompson,' which is his full name.

My mom has always called me 'Honey,' 'Darlin,' or 'Sweetie.' Good 'ole standard heart-felt nicknames. My dad calls me 'Bean.' I'm not sure why, but he started one day and it stuck!

For Reba, we call her all sorts of variations of her name like 'Reebs,' 'Reba-Roo,' 'Rooster,' 'Roo-Roo,' 'Reba Marie,' 'Roosie,'...I am always talking to her in a stupid baby voice with these silly nicknames and she just eats it up. But it's a wonder she knows her real name at all!

What are some nicknames you have in your family?

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