Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby Love

Happy Friday Blogger Gals!

I am so glad it's Friday. The first week back after vacation is always trying so I'm glad it's coming to an end!

Last night I had planned on running at the gym but decided to come home after work instead.

So in leiu of a cardio machine at the gym, I washed and vacuumed my car, went for a quick run, and did an arm workout. It was a good sweaty time and I was productive while burning calories:

Car Wash/Vaccum: approx. 30 minutes
2 Mile Outdoor Run: exactly 20 mintues
Cocktail Dress Arms: about 30 minutes
Tomorrow I plan to get in a 5 miler outside, followed by Calorie Shred early in the morning before we head out of town for the wedding.
Sorry I'm not very newsy on this Friday but I did do something funny this morning while bored at work.
I read on Two Dogs and a Blog an older post she did where she went online and morphed her and her husband's faces together to see what their babies would look like.
So my curiosity got the best of me and I went to to try it out.
You can morph your face with pretty much any celebrity, or with your spouse (or if you're *cray-zee,* your boyfriend or the 'one that got away').
So may I introduce to you, Baby Withers:
I am guessing this supposed to be a boy? ha ha. Look at that forehead! Pretty cute, though.

And here is one of mine and Brad Pitt's baby:

And finally, Baby Anniston-Withers:
Baby Anniston-Withers clearly has the best hair, but I think Baby Withers looks the happiest. Maybe I'll try it with a different picture to see if I can get Baby Withers forehead under control. Wow, that was a terrible thing to say.

Ahahahahah! What are you doing to procrastinate on this Friday?

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, July 26, 2010

R&R: A Love Story

Once upon a time there was a beautiful puppy born into a litter with six boys and two girls. This puppy was one of those girls, and her mommy named her 'Girl #2."

Girl #2 was small and fluffy with a tinge of red to her fur. She lived with her brothers and sister for a few weeks and played in a pen and in a wonderful sunny back yard.
When she was big and healthy enough, a stunningly gorgeous girl and her hansome husband adopted her and promised to give Girl #2 a lovely home with and an even sunnier back yard!
They took her home to their warm and cozy house and named her the most beautiful name for a red head that they could think of: Reba McEntire.

The days passed by, and Reba McEntire grew to love her home and her gorgeous new mommy and her handsome new daddy. She was a sweet puppy who loved to lounge on the couch with her mommy and daddy while watching Animal Planet. She grew into a strong, smart girl who learned to fetch, sit, speak, shake, ride in the go-kart, and sing along to all her mommy's favorite Reba McEntire songs.

Her favorite activites were playing in the sunny yard, and swimming in the cool waters.And, of course, just being a wonderful four-legged daughter to her mommy and daddy. Reba McEntire had a truly wonderful life.

Little did she know that her life was about to get even better...

One day, Reba's handsome daddy brought home a large, stocky, fluffy young man named Rascal. He was everything she could ever dream of.

They spent the afternoon chasing each other around the sunny yard and chatting with the dogs on the other side of the fence. They also protected the house against any strangers or stray kittens that might pass by.

In the evening they lounged on the porch in front of a fan and snoozed under the shady tree in the corner of their sunny yard.

It was love at first sight. The first night of his visit they sat on the couch together and kissed on the lips and she put her paw on his face and said, "I love you, Rascal."

He said, "I love you too, Reba McEntire."

They were very happy together and decided to start a family. be continued...


So what about it?!?!!? We have Rascal living at our house in hopes that he and Reba will, in fact, start a family.

So that's the exciting announcement. I had to put a little fairy-tale-soap-opera twist on it. Are you annoyed that it's not something more exciting? hee hee...

Oh, and the part about kissing on the couch and her putting her sweet little paw on his face is totally true. I saw it with my own eyes.

Stay tuned to "As the Dog House Turns" for the progression of the passionate love affair of Reba and Rascal!

Just a few more pics....

Hey bloggies....

Last night I was back at it after vacation with a great workout...

3.5 miles on tredmill: 35:00 minutes

68 floors on StairMaster: 20 minutes

Cocktail Dress Arms: about 35 minutes

Then this morning Bex and I were reunited again after a breif hiatus to do a 4 mile outdoor run, then Legs on Fire. It was lovely and sweaty as usual.

So our internet is back up and running and I wanted to share the rest of our Destin pics with yall!

One night Tom and I had a 'date' and just the two of us went out for sushi at this cute place called Camielle's

At the pool at our house. I love this picutre of Lillly with her mama and Aunt Myra! Too sweet. She is a really good little swimmer. You have to keep close watch on her because she will jump in the water at any minute without warning. Such a brave little nugget. One day the guys decided to have a 'guys day' and go fishing and then to eat at Hooters (who goes all the way to the beach to eat at HOOTERS? I guess for a guys day it's okay). So they chartered a boat and fishing guide and realized the price was for up to four people and there were only three of them.

So guess who got to tag along? Yours truly. It was pretty fun. Nothing too crazy, but a good experience. The fishing, not the Hooters.

Boog chillin' on the boat: Cute little guy:
Brother Brian: Glamour Shot:

Would you believe we were out there for four hours and only caught FOUR dinner-worthy fish? We caught two black snappers and two red fish. The rest of the fish we caught were salt water CATFISH. We come all the way from Mississippi to catch a bunch of dern CATFISH. Too funny.

Nothing sexier than a man in a floppy fishing hat, am I right ladies?

So that's all for now.

Holla back tomorrow for an exciting announcement! :)

Back from Vacay...

Yes, sadly I am back in the Delta after a lovely week in Destin.

I was dredding coming back to work today, understandably so considering the 397 emails waiting on me.

*Of course* our internet is acting up again at home (and by 'acting up' I mean that my husband bought a cheap ass used router on Amazon for $7 and of course it doesn't work) so the remainder of our vacation pictures will have to wait until the internet is fixed (and by 'fixed' I mean Tom will do what he should have done in the first place which was to buy a ligit router).


So anyway, just a quick update.

In my last post I was braggin' away about my TWO workouts on vacation and two was all she wrote. :/

I just loved staying up late and sleeping even later, and when it's 101 degrees and sunny by 9:00am there's just no way.

So instead of my typical cardio and strength workouts, I got my exercise by lifting a 20-pound baby, hauling beach chairs and bags to the beach, and roaming the various malls of Destin.

But I'm back in action today, because remember I am training for a very important event. A childhood friend's wedding in which I'm going to see everyone I went to high school with.

Speaking of which, I ordered a new dress for the occasion because all my other cocktail dresses are too big (good problem to have). So when we got back from vacay this little cutie was waiting for me on my doorstep:
I am still toying with the idea of adding a belt, but not sure yet. Might just keep it simple. please and thank you. It is really cute and I'm fired up because I love it when you order something online and it actually FITS. Size 6 at that. *Victory*

And I got these sex pot shoes to go with it:

I decided to roll with the Almond colored ones because I have a gazillion pairs of black high heels and I thought the Almonds would be different and kind of summery.

Okay and one more thing....

I was featured on another running blog aaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll the way over in sunny California. So head on over to Skinny Runner to see MORE of me since I know you don't have enough Laura in your life. :)

Tonight is back to the grind with Cocktail Dress Arms at the gym!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beachin' It!

Beautiful Beach Baby
Look at those little legs! Love her....
I'm reading "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin. It's soooooo good!
Aunt My playing with Lilly

Hey y'all!
I am blogging from sunny Destin!!
We are having a great time at Withers Gone Wild 2010 so I thought I'd update y'all on our week.
First, I'll introduce you to the family. Tom's parents are Lilibeth and Sterling (could we be any more Southern?), but everyone calls my father in law Boog. It is a nickname from childhood but EVERYONE still calls him that.

The oldest sibling is Sara Whitten, who is married to Brian. Sara Whit is a school teacher and Brian owns a construction business. They have a daughter angel baby, LILLY who is the star of the show all the time! Lilly is 16 months old and....I am bias, but....she is the cutest baby in the world.
I feel a lot of pressure to have beautiful children now that my sister in law has such a gorgeous child.
*Anyway* Tom is the middle child, and you know the story on him.
Then we have Myra who is the youngest sister. She lives in Nashville and has a wonderful fun life....she introduced me to Tom when we were working together in Nashville.
So that's everyone! We have been having so much fun relaxing and spending time together.
I have actually gotten in TWO count 'em TWO workouts so far. On Sunday morning I got up and went for a run around our little neighborhood we're staying in. It was such a nice break from the same 'ole-same 'ole scenery of the Delta. It was hot so I only made it a little under 4 miles. But I'm on vacay so whatev.
Yesterday morning I got up and went for a walk/run for about 40 minutes, then did Cardio Shred. It was awesome and sweaty and I felt great in my bathing suit all day! :)
A few more pics for you.....
Myra and Sara Whit at lunch at the Crab Trap!
Tom and Laura at lunch
Lilly helping Aunt LaLa blog. Obviously early in the morning. :)
One night our sweet friend Ann Clark Ganaway came over for dinner

I made an East-Coast beach dish FROGMORE STEW. It's basically just shrimp, potatoes, corn, and sausage all boiled in a big pot with some Crab Boil.

Lilly with Boog (his grandfather name is 'Boo')

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Guest Writer!

Hey yall, it's FRIDAY and you know what that means.....

WITHERS GONE WILD 2010 STARTS TOMORROW!!!! I am so fired up, and have been looking forward to this vacation for a long time!

Since we'll be at the beach, I'm not sure if we'll have internet access or what, so blogging will be sparse, if at all. But I'll be back soon with a full report for ya.

In the mean time I have a special report from a very special guest writier!


Bex here, reporting for duty on my first blog assignment. My ever so dedicated and fit partner, Laura, has given me the honor of reviewing her newest workout routines for her beloved blog followers. Now, of course, in order to review the workouts, I had to actually do them, and all I can say is......

Whew! It is hard work getting Laura ready to go to the beach! Three new workouts in as many days has definitely required me to change my attitude from "cardio junkie/weight training allergic" to "I love reps, let's do some more!" But I will say it has been nice to spice things up, while examining just how all too comfy cozy my old workout habits have become. So out with the old, in with the new - and here are your reviews:

Upper body strength is not my strong suite, so I was not looking forward to this little number, but ended up being pleasantly surprised. I was even a big girl and used eight pound weights instead of five. I know, don't get intimidated by my superhuman strength.

All the exercises were simple enough to perform (aside from that crazy "bent-over row" move) and the whole deal did take not too long to complete. Yet, it was challenging enough to make me feel like it was beneficial and I was on my way to acquiring two slender, toned (and madly powerful) arms.

The soreness factor was much less than I thought it might be, with my shoulders and upper back only mildly reminding me of my previous day's activities. Over all, I give it two thumbs up.

First off, let me say that this little ditty of a circuit is aptly named. My legs were on fire while I did it, they were on fire all day yesterday, and remain smoldering even now. My booty, too, for that matter.

I thought this would for sure be the easiest of all the new routines, and while I did not think it was difficult to complete -- call me crazy, I thought it was a fun way to wrap up a four mile run at 6:00 a.m. -- the after effects prove just how challenging it really is.

I am used to the lunges and squats, but the duck walk, jump & stick, and plies were obviously headline news to some much ignored muscles in my body. I loved this routine, I enjoyed the combination of moves, and plan on incorporating it regularly.

Good job, Laura!

For all of you out there who use the excuse that you don't like/can't afford/hate with a fierce passion going to the gym, "Calorie shred" is proof that you can get in a decent, sweaty, non-boring workout right in your own home.

I did this in my living room with a set of 5 lb weights, a small plastic stair stepper from Wal Mart, and an imaginary jump rope. While watching Rachel Ray. That is about as low tech as it gets and I was a sweaty, panting mess by the time I finished.

I only had about an hour to cram everything in, so I added planks (front & side) to the end of the circuit and skipped the abs part. I did ten minutes of stairs to start, then the first circuit, more stairs, second circuit, and ended with stairs.

The circuits took me a bit over fifteen minutes to complete, so I finished in an hour and five, which was about perfect. All in all, this was a pretty exciting workout for me, as it involved lots of jumping around and as bonus, Rachel Ray gave some good tips on how to cook delicious fish tacos.

Although I can't comment on how sore I will be from this, having completed it only a couple of hours ago, I can assure that my still smoking leg muscles were reignited by many of the moves. Fun, refreshing, challenging break from my norm.

Shred those Calories!

Hey All....thanks for checking out the new pages! Pretty spiffy, huh?

For the grand finale of our Beach workouts....this morning I did the third and final workout at the gym.

Buckle up, this one's a doozie.

Below is an outline of the workout. I am currently working on getting the pictures up on a new page (I am on a 'new page kick!') so check back!

I have decided to name this workout "Calorie SHRED" in honor of Jillian Micheals. I got a lot of these exercises from her 30-day shred. Just tweaked it a little to my liking, and my hard-core-ness.

Cardio: 40-60 minutes of cardio. Run/walk on the beach or street. This morning I did a 3 mile treadmill run at 6.0 mph. It took exactly 30 minutes. Then went over to my friend the Arc Trainer and chilled with it for 20 minutes. I did the 'weight loss' pre-set program on level 5 (level 10 is the highest).

Strength/Cardio Combo: For the strength, do 10 reps PER LEG of each exercise, using a 5 pound dumbell. 20 reps for cardio. Repeat entire circuit 2 times. 3 times if you’re feeling good!
o Bicep curls/Static Lunge combo
o Jumping Jacks
o Overhead press/squat (20 reps)
o Butt Kicks
o Jump Rope (if you don’t have a jump rope, use an invisible one)
o Anterior raise/side lunge combo
o Mountain Climbers, then straight into jacks NO REST!
o Jumping Jacks

Abs: Do each exercise as one set of 25. Repeat entire circuit 2 times
o Regular crunch
o Reverse crunch
o Bicycle crunch
o Sitting Ab twists
o 1 minute plank

This morning, I did 50 minutes in the cardio section, and then strength and abs took about 25-30 minutes. I did the Strength/Cardio combo circuit three times, so by then I was so tired I only did Abs circuit once. I was pooped!

Yall this is a hard core workout so please be smart when you're doing it and drink lots of water.

I am proud of this workout because by the time I was done my muscles were quivering and I was COVERED in sweat. Like, it looked like I had just gotten out of the water.

Gross and Awesome.

I am thinking if can do my three Beach workouts (that would be "Cocktail Dress Arms," "Legs on Fire," and the above "Calorie Shred") *at least* one time each, I will have absolutly no guilt about lazing around all week, shopping, eating, and laying out to my hearts content.

So that's my goal.

If you'd like to see all three workouts, check out the "Workouts" page or click on the links above.

After my workout I stopped by Subway because there's no breakfast food at our house and I'm not gonna go fill up on groceries right before going on vacay. Subway's got that new breakfast sandwich/english muffin situation and I wanted to try it.

It was so good! I got the english muffin with egg whites and pepper jack cheese. And you can put anything else you want on it but this simple combo is what sounded good to me.

It was $2 and wonderful! It would be easy to make at home, though, so I'm thinking when we get back I might figure out a way to save that $2 per breakfast. I'll let you know....

Now get out there and try my workouts. Come on, you know you want to....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Pages

So I just figured out how to work the 'page' feature on Blogger.

You'll notice I added some pages up top! Check them out and let me know what you think. Any more pages yall would like to see?

This morning Bex and I did Legs on Fire and let me tell you what....our legs were SMOKIN!

We did a 4 mile outdoor run...only taking a quick break to save two tiny black kittens. Yes, you read that right. One of the joys of running in the country. Wildlife everywhere. I don't know if these kitties were pets or what. But they were standing just outside of a fenced in yard, and there were three larger cats inside the fence.

The larger cats seemed scared of us which made me think they weren't pets.

We quietly picked the kitties up, let ourselves into these strangers' back yard and returned the kitties safely. They were soooo cute and tiny.

Anyway, after doing our good deed for the day we ran on home and did Legs on Fire in my back yard. It was soooooooo hot and we were both DRIPPING by the end. The workout is awesome and I want to encourage all you intermediate-level ladies out there to try it.

I am proud of it, can you tell?

I've got one more workout to try tomorrow, but I'm going to post it after I do it all the way through because there are some kinks to work out.

Please take a look at the new pages and let me know what you think! I am soooooooo NOT tech-savvy so the page thing is a big deal to me. ha!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!! Over half way to the weekend and a tiny 2 1/2 days until WITHERS GONE WILD!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

RAIN and Leg Workouts are GOOD THINGS

Hey Gang....

I woke up this morning to RAIN glorious RAIN!!!!

It has been soooooo dry here all summer, thus resulting in crispy crops, grouchy farmers, and nervous bankers. We have been *praying* for a good rain for quite some time and we finally got it this morning! Whew.

When I got back from my workout Tom was still at home....he is usually at the office by 6:30am but today (because of said rain) he didn't have to go in until like 8:30. So it was nice to have our coffee together and have a slow start to the morning.

I had to share this video to give you some insight into our life in the Delta....rain is a good thing!

So anyway....

Because of the rain Bex and I decided to meet at the gym.

Bex wanted to try Cocktail Arms workout with me this morning and I think she liked it. She said she was 'impressed.' I think she thought she was gonna get some mamby-pamby workout from me but no siree!

We got a great start with 20 minutes on the tredmill (at 6.0 mph if you're wondering), followed by 20 minutes on the Stairmaster. We do the 'advanced fat burning' program on the Stairmaster.

Let me tell you: the was a-flowin'.

Then we did Cocktail Dress Arms and it was lovely.

So today I'm sharing the legs workout I made up....what should we name it? 'bout "Legs on Fire". Has a nice ring to it. Suggestions are welcome, though.

Okay so I have to tell you that I have not actually done this workout (gasp!). I have done all these exercises, just not in one consecutive workout. So yall are my guinea pigs.

Do it and let me know if you love it. You'll notice that the cardio and the abs are the same as in Cocktail Dress Arms. I've just changed the middle to concentrate on the good 'ole Go Sticks. :)

Cardio: Cardio of your choice for 40-60 minutes. Mix it up...try 30 minutes on tredmill then 30 minutes on Stairmaster or 20 minutes on elipical and 30 mintues on ArcTrainer.

Legs: do exercise in one set of 12 (that's 12 per leg for lunges, and jump & stick). Repeat entire circuit 3 times

  • Walking Lunges
  • Jump and Stick
  • Squats
  • Duck Walk: for this one, simply pick a distance and 'duck-walk' down and back. Should take you about 1 minute total
  • Plie Squats

Abs: do exercise in one set of 25. Repeat entire circuit 2 times.

  • Regular crunch
  • Reverse crunch
  • Bicycle crunch
  • Sitting Ab twists
  • 1 minute plank

Good luck....send me a comment with questions.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Vacation Workouts

Hey Y'all....

I feel like I say this with every post, but sorry for my sparatic blogging lately. I think because I am not technically training for anything, I feel like I don't have much to blog about. Our at-home internet is still on the fritz (and probably will be until we get back from vacay) so I'm blogging at work. Don't tell.

Right now the only thing I'm training for is a wedding in a few weeks. A wedding in which about 99% of my ex-boyfriends will be IN or attending....isn't it true that no matter how happy you are in your current relationship, you always want to look good in front of an ex-boyfriend? You know I'm right.

*Anyway* as I mentioned in my last post, we are a mere few days away from leaving for Withers Gone Wild 2010 in Destin. T-minus 5 days to be exact!

I have made up a couple of workouts to do on our trip, possibly ON the beach if the Tar Ball Monsters aren't rearing their ugly heads?

I always do this....I get all fired up for working out on vacation and then wind up drinking too much wine, and falling into a food coma and not working out at all. But there is something *extra* rewarding about working out on vacations.

Especially if you're on the beach, early morning, Denise Austin style, sweaty, sandy....oooooooooh I'm getting so excited!

So I've come up with three WGW10 Beach for arms, one for legs, and one for strength/cardio combo (I've named that one "Jillian" for obvious reasons).

Since I have nothing else to blog about, I'll post the workouts over the next few days. Obligatory disclaimer: consult your doctor, I'm not a doctor, I'm not a personal trainer, I'm just a fat white girl who is not responsible for you if you hurt yourself doing these exercises. Mmmmkaythanks.

Here's the first one....let's call it "Cocktail Dress Arms" in honor of said wedding at the end of the month. Ha!

Cardio: Run or walk on beach or street for 40-60 minutes. At the gym, I have been doing 40 minute runs followed by 20 minutes on stairmaster or arc trainer. At the beach we'll just have to hoof it!

Arms: do exercise in one set of 12 reps with 5-8 pound weights. Repeat entire circuit 3 times.
  • Bicep Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Bent-0ver Rows
  • Push-ups
  • Tricep dips

Abs: do exercise in one set of 25. Repeat entire circuit 2 times.

  • Regular crunch
  • Reverse crunch
  • Bicycle crunch
  • Sitting Ab twists
  • 1 minute plank

Stay tuned tomorrow for legs....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Boring Blogger

Hey Everyone...sorry I've been a boring little blogger lately.

I did finally get my camera back from Jessica's house but our internet is down at our house right now, and I can't load pics onto my work computer. So there you have it. Boring Blogger.

Wednesday night I did another cardio/upper body/abs routine and it felt GREAT. My triceps are a little sore today and I love that.

Yesterday morning Bex and I did a SEVEN MILER in order to redeem ourselves from slacking off for a few days. It was so. freakin'. hard.

I had to walk a couple times for probably a total of 1/2 mile. A little disappointing but it's to be expected after taking a little mid-summer break. We were both completely soaking wet with sweat when we got done.

And I did not feel 100% myself all day long....think I was a little dehydrated and just plain sleepy. But I slept like a baby last night.

Tonight is gym for cardio/weights/abs again.

I am totally unmotivated at work today. Counting down the days to our annual Withers Gone Wild trip.

Every summer, Tom's parents take the whole fam damily on a trip. In the past we have gone to Gaston's Trout Fishing Resort (I use the term 'resort' lightly, here) over the 4th of July Weekend. We always went with Bex and her family (that was how we met and started our wonderful running friendship!)

As you can imagine, Gaston's is not the most luxurious resort in the fact, it's downright rustic and boring. The boys just fish all day (which they love) and the girls sit around a watch the babies and play cards and drink wine. Which is fine with me. I'm all about any vacation where you don't have to be anywhere, or get on a computer, or answer a phone, or answer to ANYONE for that matter.

However, the girls (the girls being me, Myra, Sara Whit, and Lilly) took a vote and decided we wanted to campaign for a beach trip this year. And we got it! My in-laws agreed to pay for a house in Destin for all of us, if the kids would pitch in for groceries. A pretty fair trade, don't you think?

So in eight short days we are Destin-bound! I am soooooo ready and have been looking forward to a beach trip for some time! This will be the first time for Lilly to go to the beach, and also the first time for the whole family to be at the beach together! I can't wait.

Again, sorry for the boring blog, but I hope yall have a great healthy sweaty weekend! ha!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sorry so sketchy....

Hey Everyone....

Once again I have been slacking on my blogging duties. Does anyone else feel like your schedule goes to the wayside during the summer months? My schedule is crazy and my weekends fly by too fast!

This past weekend we had a lovely three-day weekend-o-fun. I left my camera at my friend Jessica's house so I'll have to post pics later in the week of our Fourth Festivites.

On my day off on Monday I washed my car and laid out in my back yard, sweating my head off! I counted it as my workout since I was so sweaty. :)

I also ready this book:
For any of you dog lovers out there you must read it! It is very cute, funny, happy, sad, exciting, all of the above! The story is told through the dog's perpective so of course I loved it. If you are looking for a quick fun summer laying-out read, give this one a try.

Monday night we went to my in-laws to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday. I stole these two pics from Sara Whitten's blog of Lilly!
She is getting so big and so BLONDE! I love her sweet white hair! Everyone says she looks like Tom, and now that she is blonde and tan I like to think she looks like me too! ha ha.

Sara Whit says she looks more like our child than hers and Brian's. I love that! I will tote her around all day just letting people think she is my beautiful baby!
Look how much Unca Tom and Aunt La La love Lilly....such a funny girl.
Bex has been out of town on various vacations over the past couple of weeks and boy have I been missing her! I am very co-dependant and hate working out out alone! Even if we are at the gym doing different things, I still like it better when she's there with me.
So I have been a big giant slacker what with Bex being gone, and a holiday weekend and all. But last night I did 4-mile run on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the stairmaster for a total of an hour of cardio. Then did upper body and my ab workout.
I feel sooooooooo much better today than I have over the weekend being a giant slug!
Bex is back in town now so we'll be back to our fit, healthy selves tomorrow!
Happy Hump Day Blog Land!