Hey Gang!
Well, I had a great day yesterday on *my anniversary* and thanks everyone for the sweet comments and texts with well wishes to Tom and I!
So I am going to stray from the healthy-living/weight-watching/working-out subjects of the blog and tell a funny story about our weekend. I left it off of the post yesterday because the post was long enough as it was.
I just had to share because this story is too funny not to.
So Friday afternoon Tom spent the day in meetings with...let's call it...The Big Corn Company (to protect the innocent here). After said meetings, The Big Corn Company treated everyone to happy hour in the lobby bar, and dinner and drinks at the Redbirds game.
Around the 7th inning, Tom and I were ready to call it a day. It was like 9:30pm. Our bedtime. So we went back to the hotel, watched the news, and went to bed. Within minutes we were both snoozing comfortably in our big cushy Peabody bed.
Next thing I know I am being awakened by some noises coming from outside our door. I glaced at the clock....3:45am.
I shrugged it off as 'hotel noise' and tried to go back to sleep. But the noise continued, this time louder and it sounded like it was literally AT our door. It sounded like someone was trying to get
in the room.
At first I wasn't scared because I knew the door was locked and there was no way another guest could get in.
Then it sounded like water was running outside the door. I thought there might have been an air conditioning leak or something? Remember, it's 3:45 and I'm not exactly thinking clearly.
So I get out of bed clad only in my matching Victoria's Secret pajamas (okay, so I was naked...we're married, it was our anniversary...don't judge) to investigate. Upon getting out of bed I could see under the crack at the bottom of the door...sure enough water (or
something) was POURING onto the ground.
So I tentativly look out the peep hole, expecting to see...well, nothing.
Taking a sharp breath in and clasping my hands over my mouth suddenly, surprised at what I saw outside our door!
There was a guy...wearing only boxer shorts...trying to get in our room.
So I jolt back over to the bed and shake Tom awake.
"Honey! Honey! Someone is trying to get in our room and he's either spilling his drink or peeing on the door."
Unfortunately, ladies, it turned out the be the latter. Sigh.
So Tom gets out of bed and stumbles over to the door in his PJ's (okay, who are we kidding...he was naked, too) to confirm that I'm not dreaming, and we do in fact have an 'inturder' on our hands.
He goes to the phone and calls the front desk. The conversation goes like this:
Operator: "Good Morning Mr. and Ms. Withers, how may I assist you today?" she's soooooo chipper for this hour.
Tom: "Uh.....yes ma'am....uh, there's someone trying to get into our room. He's at the door trying to get in."
Operator: "Oh my, we'll have security sent right up. I apologize."
Tom: "And ma'am?"
Operator: "Yes, Mr. Withers?"
Tom: "uh....well, I, uh.....I think he's takin' a leak on our door."
Operator: "Wha-wha-wha-what? You say he did WHAT?" At this point she has gone from all-business to all-shock.
Tom (in a very clear, over-enunciating voice): "I BELIEVE HE IS URINATING ON OUR DOOR."
Operator: "Oh
LAWD!!!! We sendin' someone up now, hun. Oh, lawdy."
Seconds later security is at the door, we can hear them talking to the guy and Tom is watching through the peep hole. At this point I am in the bed, clutching the covers up under my chin.
Tom turns to me and says in a loud whisper: "I know that guy! He was in The Big Corn Company meeting yesterday!"
We overhear the security officers ask The Intruder his name and he mumbles..."something something....EUBANKS." Tom takes mental note of this name in order to find out who the guy was and plans to call our Big Corn Company sales rep (also a good friend of ours) later in the morning.
So security gets 'Eubanks' safely into his room (obviously his room was the one NEXT to ours) and promises to send housekeeping by with a shampoo vacuum to take care of the....ahem...
puddle outside our door. Ew.
Tom and I laugh about it for about 15 minutes and finally go back to sleep.
When we were on our way to breakfast in the morning, Tom called our Big Corn Company sales rep and told him the story. When he gets to the part about who the guy was....here comes the punch line:
Tom: "I think I recognized him from the meeting. Eubanks was his name?"
Sales Rep: "Oh. My. God.
No way."
Tom: "Yeah, do you know him?"
Sales Rep: "He's our INTERN. Well,
was our intern."
So that was how we kicked off our anniversary weekend. Too funny....we have been laughing about it since. I guess Eubanks the Intern had a wild night on the town, came back to the hotel and passed out. Woke up, and opened the door to his hotel room...thinking it was the bathroom??? Therefore, locking himself out. He was drunk, disoriented, and had to use the restroom and....well, the rest is history.
Last night when I got home I was greeted by these cuties:
Tom and I had a strict 'no-gift' policy for this anniversary, so my Mom sent us flowers! She loves us.
Although we didn't do gifts, we DID do cards. Tom's card to me:
All together now:
'Awwwwwwww.'And he wrote some good mushy gushy stuff on the card, too. I was very proud of him for this card. :) Whatta guy.
We ended our anniversary celebration with a super-sophisticated meal of frozen lasagna, bag salad, and garlic bread while watching Bachelor Pad (the tackiest show in the history of the universe). Ha!
Hope you're having a great Tuesday, everyone!