Monday, August 9, 2010

Basil Love

Okay so you'll all be thrilled to hear that I survived my first visit back to the dredded Aquatic Center.

I put my chin up, my goggles on, and jumped in.

I was proud that I actually put the suit on, much less finished a workout. On the way there, I was making every excuse NOT to get in that water. But just kept telling myself, "You'll like it. You might even love it. You will not regret this workout."

As mentioned yesterday, I was Faking It Until I Felt It.

I told myself I'd do an hour workout (the workout I had in mind was the same one I was doing towards the end of my tri training so it was a lofty aspiration to say the least), but I think I lasted about 35 or 40 minutes before calling it a day.

My muscles were feeling all wobbly and I had a weird stitch in my side I couldn't get rid of. So a shortened version of the workout was all she wrote:

approx. 30 minutes regular free style

approx. 10 minutes free style with pull buoy and paddles

Guess it'll give me something to build up to.
I am so glad I went because once I was in the water, it wasn't so bad after all. I got in a groove and actually enjoyed it. The whole time I just pretended I was on the last leg of a Half-Ironman swim or something. I visualized my family and friends cheering me on, and pictured a fast, wonderful finish.
And after the workout I could feel my arm and shoulder muscles felt like they looked really good. ha ha!

Here's a little lady who doesn't mind a swim at all! I got to spend the afternoon with Lil' Lilly on Sunday and could not get enough of that white hair and those LEGS!
Sara Whit and I were laughing at this little outfit on her....way too small!! hee hee.
Love her face. A dog lover, and a giant-Sonic-drink lover....a girl after my own heart.

So anyway, after my swim I came home make a typical Monday dinner. Monday dinners around here are usually very low-key....sort of a smorgasborg of randomness.
I was starving so I munched on carrots and hummus. Then decided to make a sandwich (thin) out of my three favorite ingredients these days....

Mozzarella Cheese...


Ever since last summer I have harbored a newfound love of BASIL!
Tom made these super-legit herb boxes for our patio and Basil is the name of the Herb Game, my friends (although I'm not complaining about the Rosemary, either!). I love the way it smells, and the way just a few of it's beautiful green leaves can brighten up a dish.

You think I could find some Basil perfume somewhere so I could smell it on myself all day long? Maybe that's taking it a little too far....

Tonight's sammie was a Nature's Own Sandwich Thin, thinly sliced tomatoes, *thickly sliced* mozzarella cheese toasted for 3 minutes. Then I added crumbled goat cheese and my basil love.
Oooey cheesey yumminess.

So that's all for now, blogettes. Hope you're having a great Tuesday!

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