Sunday, August 1, 2010

Warning: Lame Post Ahead

Happy Monday Everyone (of course I use the term 'happy' loosely. I LOATHE Mondays)!!!

So the wedding this weekend was loads of fun and I took a total of three pictures. Bad Laura, I know.

So I had to show yall the dress! I made Myra take a picture of me in her kitchen before we left. I added the belt ($18 at Francesca's) and decided to go with different shoes. It was really cute and I got tons of compliments. Thank you for your $70 cocktail dress. :)

A great part of the wedding was I got to see one of my besties from back the day! I haven't seen her in like two years so it was great to catch up with Sarah and her date, Brian.

And of course I need to post a picture of the second most beautiful couple of the night (the first most beautiful being the bride and groom, of course), Mrs. and Mrs. Tom Withers.

So this is a really short, lame post but like I said it's Monday so I'm in a funk. Have a great week everyone!

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