Saturday, August 14, 2010

Suga, Suga...

Hey bloggies...Happy Saturday to you!

So thrilled the work week is over and I have basically *nothing* to do this weekend! Love it when that happens.

Yesterday morning I went to the gym for a great workout:

Arc Trainer: 20 minutes
Bike: 20 minutes
Calorie Shred Workout: approx. 30 minutes
I was tired and sore by the end of it, and it was a great way to start my Friday! Afterwards, I bopped by Tom's office to surprise him with breakfast since I had eaten his last granola bar before my workout. I think he appreciated the little surpise visit. :)
Last night we went to the Sugarland Concert!!!!!!!!!!!!
My company was sponsoring it, and as part of my job duties I just HAD to be there. It was really fun, and a great concert. I heart Jennifer Nettles. She is just so stinkin' cute.
I lover pretty much all of Sugarland's songs. They put on a great show, but there was one little thing....she kept on calling us "Memphis." As in, "Let me hear you, MEMPHIS!" "Sing it with me MEMPHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS!!!" And making lots of Elvis references.
I mean, I love Elvis as much as the next gal, but the only problem was the concert was not in Memphis. It was not even in Tennessee.
Granted, the concert venue (an about a hot summer night!) is about four miles South of the Tennessee line in MISSISSIPPI. In Southaven, Mississippi.
So I can understand that she might have gotten a little mixed up but still.....
Sugarland has a song called, "Down in Mississippi and Up to No Good." One might think this would be a concert where that song would get a good response from the crowd. Hmph.
Other than that, it was great. Here are some pics of Tom and I sweating our faces off.
Another thing I wanted to share with you guys...
Remember on Monday when I said I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay in a funk and didn't feel motivated at all?
Throughout the day, I found myself being really *angry* and annoyed and frustrated....most of this stemming from things having to do with my job. Well, for reasons I won't go into, I cannot quit my job or anything drastic like that at this point in my life.
So, because I was feeling upset about things that were beyond my control (aka...other people's actions), I decided to change something I COULD control....aka MY ATTITUDE.
I think I mentioned that one way I was going to do that, in regards to a dredded swim workout, was to 'fake it 'til you feel it.' Which worked. But in regards to my job, faking it wasn't really cutting it.
I was watching Kathie Lee and Hoda the other those two. They are too funny. Some think they're annoying but I like them.
And Hoda said something that stuck with me. She said that whenever she is down in the dumps or frustrated she spends a few days journaling in the morning. She writes down three things she's thankful for every day and reflects on those things when she starts to feel upset and down throughout her day.
So I have been trying it, in order to lift my deflated spirits while on the job. Even if it's something as simple as, 'my vacuum cleaner,' 'air conditioning,' 'the egg white sandwich I had for breakfast.'
I find that when things are going *exactly* my way it puts things in perspective to count my blessings instead of my shortcomings.
Try it...I hope this starts your weekend off on the right foot!

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