Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pizza Heaven

Hey bloggies....I rarely blog on Saturdays but our home internet has been working so wonderfully fast lately I can just blog away any 'ole time I want!

So I have a confession to make....

I did not get up and run the Avenue for Hope 5K this morning.

I was in a funk, and I just couldn't get my running mojo going.

Does that ever happen to you? It happens to me a lot.

So I sleepily turned off that pesky alarm clock and proceeded to sleep until 9:45. Lovely.

After a couple strenuous hours watching a Lifetime movie and reading blogs in bed, I got hungry. I remembered some refigerated pizza dough I had, and decided to make (somewhat) healthful pizza.

You know what that means! A recipe for ya.

As always, gather the troops in the kitchen. Today my sui chef was a one Miss Reba McEntire Withers:
Next we have the ingredients:
  • refrigerated pizza dough
  • fresh tomatoes
  • fresh mozzarella cheese
  • goat cheese (feta is also pictured here but I decided against it at the last minute)
  • turkey pepperoni
  • fresh basil from your garden that your awesome husband planted for you
  • dash of garlic salt
  • whatever else you might like on your healthy pizza

Fresh Basil is the TICKET!

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spread dough out evenly on cookie sheet.
Top with sliced tomatoes. I would suggest patting your tomatoes lightly with a paper towel to get out some of the excess moisture. Othewise your dough will wind up less-crispy.
Top tomatoes with hunky mozzarella. Yummmmm....
Top with pepperoni, basil, goat cheese, and garlic salt.
Bake for 17 mintues and TA-DA! Ooey gooey cheesy pizza heaven for lunch.
The goat cheese was my favorite part. I love goat cheese so much I could rub it in my hair. But don't worry, I won't.I recommend this dish alongside one of these:
My favorite weekend treat, a giant Diet Vanilla Coke from SONIC! 44 ounces of happiness.
I have noticed that this month's posts have wound up being more about food than running. I hope yall don't mind.
I learned the hard way that getting to a healthy weight and staying there is 25% exercise, 25% food, and 50% mindset/attitude/determination...whatever you want to say.
That being said, learning healthy eating habits has been harder for me than sticking with an exercise routine so when I have a recipe that works I want to document it and share it with you and the blogging world!
Well I'm off to work for a couple of hours at a Beer Festival we are's a hard job but someone's gotta do it.
See you soon!

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