Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I have lots of fun random things to talk about today.
First of all...the important stuff...workouts.

Last night Reebs and I went on our 3 mile doggie walk. We walked a mile, ran a mile, walked a mile. With a stop in the middle to demonstrate Reba's tricks for the kids at the park.

She was very popular.

I had hoped to get in an arm workout afterwards, but got carried away getting ready for my weekend! We have an engagement party to go to tonight, so I was trying to get everything done on Wednesday night.

Getting ready for what, you ask!?!?!?!

My mommy is coming to visit!!!

I give you the beautiful, famous, Helen Frazier:This picture makes me laugh...why so close?

I love it when my mom comes to visit because she is so easy-going and we love to just catch up, go for walks, shop, eat, drink wine, etc. I want her to move here!

And for those of you who are wondering, no, my mother did not give birth to me at the age of 12....she is 60. years. old(sorry Mom but I had to tell)!!

She is a freak of nature she looks so young, yes? I am bankin' on those stellar genes!

So if anyone knows of a rich-handsome-dog-loving-single-man-willing-to-relocate-to-Tunica, please let me know. Mmmmmkaythanks.

Christmas 2009 with my mom's (older...yes that's right...she's a genetic jackpot, too) sister beautiful Auntie!

So anyway, instead of an arm workout, I vacuumed, dusted, made beds, made dinner, etc.


It was 68 degrees when I set out on my run this morning! OMG it felt incredible and it was sooooo nice not to have to run under a blanket of humidity!

3.5-4 mile run: about 35 minutes

Calorie Shred Workout: about 30 minutes

Please note there is a slight change in the Calorie Shred workout...I added 10 Burpees for extra sweatiness!

I did the whole thing outside and it was glorious.

Afterwards, I decided to try something new for breakfast.

I have been reading Katie's blog, and she (along with many healthy living/eating bloggers) eats lots of homemade smoothies in the mornings. They look so yummy and beautiful, I just had to try one. (Click HERE for Katie's most recent breakfast concoction.)

I am not a full-out healthy eating blogger (no DUH, Laura). I have noticed many people fill their smoothies with protein powder, chia-flax-vitamin seed thingys...I'm just not there yet. So I used what I had on hand that was as close to Katie's smoothies as possible.


  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup 1% milk
  • handful of spinach (just trust me, here)
  • 1 packet of sugar free hot cocoa mix

Last night I hulled my strawberries and put them in the freezer with the banana-lama-ding-dong.

Here is the fruit pre-freezer...yes I am aware there is a dead dog on my kitchen floor. Presh baby.

Aaaaaaand after a night in the freezer. Mmmmmmm....
Put it all in the blender, mix 'er up, and pour in your favorite cup:
This smoothie was a weird doo-doo brownish color but it was sooooooo good and filling! Katie's smoothies are way prettier than mine but it's the taste that counts, right?
With this recipe I was able to fill up this cup about one and half times. Sooooo good and I promise you cannot taste the spinach at all. It is purely for nutritional value and weird color.
Here's Reba, annoyed I have woken her up from her beauty rest at such an early hour.

Okay so one more bit of randomness and then I'm done for the day.
Remember my foster fur-daughter, Dolly Parton?
And remember the day that I took her to the transportation company to go to her new home?

Well, ever since then I have been watching Last Chance Highway on the Animal Planet, looking for the episode where I dropped Dolly off.
And it was on, on Saturday night! We had DVR'd the episode and just got around to watching it last night. I scoured the internet for a clip of the episode to post, but I couldn't find one.
The name of the episode was "Death Row Puppies" if anyone out there is better at internet-scouring then me and would like to find it for me.
Anyway, towards the end of the show they had a clip of me at the drop-off location sitting down with Dolly saying, "It's okay, good girl, it's okay." And sweet Dolly licking my face.
They showed me lifting up my sunglasses to wipe the tears away while Dolly watched and wagged her tail.
All the while the main character of the show did a voiceover talking about how foster families do get attached to their dogs, and that drop-off day is emotional for many people. was nice to 'see' Dolly again, and to remember that we saved a little canine life! It did make me cry a little, though. :)

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