Monday, August 9, 2010

Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming...

I have been in a big, fat, FUNK lately.

If you know me, or have talked to me lately, you may not have noticed. But I can feel it. I can feel that something me. Like, I cannot count on all my fingers and all my toes how many times I have hit the snooze button in the last week.

And I have *bailed* on my morning workouts many days only to wake up 30 mintues before I have to BE at work, thus skipping breakfast and going to work with half-dry hair and barely-there make up.

And I (again) BAILED on the Avenue for Hope 5K I had told you guys I was gonna do. Totally not like me.

I have been very slacker-esque at work. Nothing about my job excites me or gives me something to look forward to each day.

All in all, I am really lacking motivation these days.

Because some of the things that are sucking my motivation away are out of my control, I have decided to change something that IS in my control.

That being MY BAD ATTITUDE. I consider myself to be pretty self-aware. As in, I totally know when I'm in a bad mood or just seeing the glass 'half empty' all day.

There are evenings when Tom will come home and say hello and go for the 'I-just-got-home-from-work' kiss, and I will say, "Siiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhh I have a bad attitude tonight."

And he knows to stay away. Mr. Bad Attitude will usually subside fairly quickly, but I always know when he's lurking in the back of my mind.

Today is one of those days. Mr. Bad Attitude has taken up residence in my mind and I do NOT appreciate it.

So time to kick him outta there. I have been trying to work on my attitude all day....thinking of things I'm thankful for, cleaning out a pesky messy desk drawer, saying a little prayer every few hours, eating well, and these usual tricks aren't working.

I am wondering if part of it has to do with the fact that I have a swim workout looming over my head.

I had planned to do an hour swim after work this evening, and we all know how I feel about swimming. I just hate it. I do. I really do.

But I *love* what it does for my body. So I figure I can go through an hour of torture every week if it means getting those lean, toned arms I have grown to love.

So I am going to force myself to go swim and I've been dredding it all day.

THEN I read this wonderful little paragraph on The Fitnessista's blog:

Something to think: "Fake it until you FEEL it” This was taught to me by the fabulous Mindy Mylrea, a fireball of energy and fitness goddess, and holds true for so many things in life — she joked that it’s the reason she’s been married for 27 years. If you wake up thinking “I feel tired and gross today”, guess what? You’re going to feel tired and gross all day. Sometimes we don’t want to do things in life (like when I’m driving to teach and think “I really don’t want to teach aerobics right now”) once we get there, we fake it (I see my students and say “Hey!! I’m so excited to workout with you guys right now!”) and then we feel it (I end up having an awesome class). Try it. Next time you’re blah-thinking yourself, fake it. Before you know it, you’ll feel it!

I am convinced that God put that post in my life today to help me with my war against Mr. Bad Attitude. Reading this exerpt from her latest post came at the perfect time for me!

So I am going to do just that. I am going to go the gym EXCITED! for this swim. I LOVE! to swim. The swim is my FRIEND!

The swim will make me feel weighless and graceful. As I swim I will burn calories and gain muscle tone. Many people do not even know how to swim and I DO. I will swim because I am healthy. I swim because I can. I swim because I am a triathlete, after all!

And best of all....after my swim, MONDAY will be over.

Get fired up for a swim, ladies!

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