Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Workouts Lately

Hey bloggarinas....Happy HUMP day. Half way to the weekend...whew!

I have taken a few days off of blogging because I simply have nothing to blog about! So I'll just go over a few workouts lately and I do have a bit of fun news....

Monday night I had planned a swim. However the weather was actually *nice* out so I decided an outdoor workout was well-deserved after staring at a computer screen in a windowless office all day. Reba and I set out for a quick walk:

3 mile doggie walk: about 50 minutes
Cocktail Dress Arms Workout: about 20 minutes
The weather was so pleasant and breezy. I loved our outdoor walk, but Reba was a big 'ole baby about half way through and was tired and lolly-gagging around. Goofer.
Tuesday morning I SHOULD have gotten up to go to the gym but I just hit that snooze button one too many times. Instead, I went in the evening again. Tom and I had planned to go to the 'Meet the Team' fund raiser at the local private school (and Tom's alma mater) at 6pm. So I ran to the gym after work to get in a quick date with the treadmill.
2.5 mile treadmill run: 25 minutes
A few minutes is better than no minutes. See, I am really bad about working out in the mornings. I always love it when I'm done but just getting out from under the covers is soooooo hard for me. If I know I have Bex waiting on me, I'll get up. But if not, I might as well just plan on an evening workout.
Lately Bex has not been working out in the mornings with me because she's been feeling a little under the weather...very tired....a little nausious, maybe....all signs point to....
I am so excited for Bex and her family because I knew they had been trying for Baby Bex #2, so this is a welcomed addition to their family!
She is only about 8 weeks along, but I got permission to tell the blog world. All this being said, Bex will just run and workout with me until she feels uncomfortable doing so. Maybe in the coming weeks I'll find room for a few posts about working out while pregnant, and eating right while pregnant. Even though I'm not pregnant I can learn a lot from my friend Bexarita for when I (God willing) DO decide to grace the world with a my beautiful offspring.
So anyway, Bex has been super-tired lately thus making it hard for her to peel herself out of bed for a outdoor run with moi.
*However* she is starting to feel back to her old self because she came over this morning to join me on an easy, outdoor 4-miler. We had high hopes for the weather, but it was still like almost 80 degrees when we got started.
4 mile run: about 45 minutes (didn't wear my Garmin)
Cocktail Dress Arms Workout: about 20 minutes
It was still a nice morning, and it was great to be back in the company of my running buddy!
Hope yall have a great Wednesday...I'm off to stuff my face with luchie before 4 more hours of computer-staring. :)

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